
How to be more popular???

by Guest65051  |  earlier

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I not a loser or anything but i am average class i was wondering how to be more popular considering i dont get along with some of the popuar kids and im not very sporty thanks




  1. Start Blogs... visit

    and write about yourself.

    send teh link to many and also to me.

    and see... what a difference it will make.  

  2. Maybe you should try out for some school plays.  Even if you don't act, they often need people to build sets or organize the costumes.  Go to the drama director and see if he/she needs anyone to help out "behind the scenes."  You'll find the most creative and accepting people in the theatre.  

  3. A smile and a sense of humour usually does the trick

    Confidence, but not egotistical, is very attractive

    (edit: Kermit's suggestion is excellent)

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