
How to be not weird they calling me weird please help me.?

by Guest10745  |  earlier

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tell me some tips on how to be not




  1. I'm sure you're not weird.

    Define normal!

    Everyone is individual and weird in their own way.

    If your friends are calling you weird, make new ones that have the same interests as you.

    Try not to get down about the way you feel but take it as a way to move on and meet new people.

    And to be honest..

    I'm pretty weird myself!

  2. It will take some time (if not years) for you to be certain of who you are and be comfortable with who you are.

    When person A finds person B weird, it usually means that A expects everyone to think alike on a particular issue, but B holds a different opinion.

    It is up to you to discern if the issue is about absolute right vs. wrong or different perspectives and may not necessarily conflict with one another.

    You may feel it is necessary to gain the acceptance and approval of the group of people you're hanging out with. However, if you're spending more energy on trying to "fit in" than on enjoying the companionship and friendship, it might be better for you to look for another circle of friends.

    Good luck and all the best.

  3. When some one calls you weird you should ignore it. All it really is nonsense. Everybody is weird  and special in there own way. They may think somethings weird or somethings cool. Really no ones weird.

  4. Are many people calling you weird or is it just one or two person?  If it's just one person, then maybe that person is weird himself?

    If many people (who are unrelated to each other in that they each come to the same conclusion without talking to each other) are calling you weird, then maybe you need to think there's something more to it.

    However, make sure it's not a culture thing.  What make seem okay in one culture may sound totally weird in another culture.  Don't beat yourself up if you come from a different culture than the people who are calling you weird.

    If it's not a culture thing, then why do they call you weird?  It sounds like people are calling you weird because of some of your actions.

    For example, if you have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and let say you need to wash your hands every ten minutes and you afraid to shake anyone's hand.  Yeah, people may have people call you weird.  That's just an example where other may think it's weird because most people don't behave that way.  Also, the OCD person usually makes a big fuss about some things most consider are non important.  So others will shake their head and have to wait for this person to finish what he feels he must do all the time.  It's often an inconvience to others around.  But if you have some OCD, you can try to treat your condition by seeing a doctor.

    Maybe people is calling you weird because of the choices you make that sound so irrational to others.  If you are slow and you make reasoning to why you do things that people don't understand, they might think you're weird.  You may not be able to help being slow in thinking but you can try harder to use logic in solving problems.  Practice doing puzzles and math will help strengthen your logic thinking.

    Or people could be calling you weird because of your reasoning skills just don't make sense.  Before you share  assumptions and theories about things, always consider whether your ideas are really possible.  You don't want to upset people by telling them things that are not possible.  Read more factual books and not science fiction.  Don't get involved in believing in things that have not been proved by evidence.  Stay away from astrology and psychics.  Don't watch too much tv because most of what goes on tv shows are not possible in real life because they're just shows to entertain people.  Always be wary of your sources when you find information.  Most of things written in newspapers are not really true either.  Read the dictionary, encyclopedia, almanacs to find reliable information.  Study math, physics and history, etc.  Self educate yourself  as much as possible.  

    Or people may call you weird because you don't know how to socialize with people like people with asperger syndrome have a problem with making eye contact and they seem to be in their own world.  That might have others call the person weird.  If you have social problems, you should see a doctor about it to help you cope with this kind of problem.  Also, one would need to practice their social skills.  Try harder to make eye contact when you talk to people so that they don't feel like you're ignoring them.  Follow what other normal people in communicating with others.  It takes lots of practice for someone with this kind of problem but it is achievable.

    Or maybe people are calling you weird because you don't understand how to be social because you were never taught properly by your own parents.  If this is the case, then you just try to follow what other normal social people do.  Also, read up on ettiquette.  Practice your social skills.

    I can't think of any other reasons why people are calling you weird because I don't have enough information about you.

    However, if you can be precise in explaining what kind of people who are calling you weird and why and when do they call you this and what it is your doing that may have people call you weird, then it will easier to help you.

    Once you can identify all the facts clearly, you can get to the root of the problem and work towards a solution.  You may just find out it is not as big a problem as you thought or something else.  Or it may not be a problem at all.

    Remember, no two people are the same.  We all might think each other are a bit weird.  What seems normal to one, may seem weird to another because we were brought up different and have different beliefs.

    I hope something i said, has some relevancy to your circumstance.

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