
How to be patriotic?

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I'm not in the military(so i don't "serve" my country), and I don't hold much faith in the direction our country is going in.

But I feel like our country has a largely outspoken and dejected cross section that I can't find that I think could relate to me.

Those are the people I respect and still feel a connection to. I guess they'd be called the middle-class hard working people who are intelligent, politically enlightened and have a strong sense of where they are in this world/country.

So my question is how can I feel more patriotic or more proud to be an American when our government beats down on us so much?? I'm not saying reps. or dems. are any better, the giant corporate run country just seems to be going nowhere fast and taking us down with it.

How can I feel more in touch the land of the free!?

Or can I never be in touch with America because I hate McDonalds and American Idol? lol




  1. Are you a product of our public schools? If so study history with an open mind not to find fault with our country but to reason why this was that way.What upsets you the most about our history? Slavery? Treatment of American Indians? Than really get into it ask yourself why do we know so much about it they could not have written about it? why?

    I live over the pond over here they well tell you they had to tax us high as their military was needed to keep us from killing Indians do you believe that they do Ask yourself why did A Jackson tell the Indians they had to move out west [trail of tears] and yet he and his wife raised two Indians boys as their own

    I guess what I'm trying to say Many have twisted our history to make you feel as you do It is planned Don't fall for it

    Read the above posts are you a religious fanatic do you know any do you hate people who believe in God they do, is it right? Trust me son I have lived more outside America than state side they watch you every move envy the h**l out of you We are Americans the best country in the world

  2. sorry mate, america is not the land of the free.

    everything is classified and judged and there are many more freedoms in other places (Europe for instance)

    america is the land of corporate and christian fanatics, thats what it is good for.

  3. Heres the truth about it, and its impossible to say this kind of thing on an american website without a few thumbs down, but theres nothing to be patriotic about. Im moving because Ive realized that we are not the only free country on earth, in fact, we are not even in the top 10 list for free countries.

    The big thing we use when bragging is "We are land of the free", but this isnt even true, so what do we have to be proud of?

    Also, its our own people that are bringing us nowhere. Our government may be making some mistakes, but nobody could hurt our economy worse than our own americans, which they do every single day.

    So, I ask you this, WHY should we be patriotic? Just because we were born here? Its like, since this is where we come from, we have to be ignorant to everything else outside of our country and try hard to find something to be patriotic about, instead of just admitting that we have nothing to be proud of..nothing at all.

  4. To be patriotic, vote for John McCain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. You can certainly connect with having freedom and the right to vote!!!  You have the freedom of speech and the ability to move up in the world (if you want it you can achieve it)-  So, if you want to connect and understand what it is to be patriotic you need to look at this election seriously and see what both men stand for- one is going to take your freedom away (Obama) and one is going to keep your freedom alive (McCain)- he served his Country with pride and honor!!!!!
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