
How to be polite, but set boundaries with people?

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I have thee hardest time saying "no" to people and I network alot. Some people are easier to talk to, some aren't.

What's the best polite thing to say to those that aren't?




  1. politeness does not enter into it when people play against it, which telemarketers play off all the time.

    you don't need to be polite.

  2. Practice on small things.  Telling the grocery bagger you want paper or the opposite of what he is holding - or take your own.

    When the doctor's office asks to put you on hold say no.

    Tell yourself no to that dessert.

    Tell your kids, no I won't drive you to a friend's.  Walk or stay home.

    Start small, that is my point.  Then you will get better. I have a hard time being dishonest.  I can't make up an appointment.  So if I am asked to something I really don't want to I try to respond "Thanks for asking but I am over extended right now."  That way I didn't say no, but leave it obvious that I can not help.

  3. You could try saying: I'm unable to do that, or this isn't going to work for me. You shouldn't let the conversation drag on if you are planning to say no, so keep it brief and just play around with your words and you will be good to go! Good luck!

  4. be brief with them.

  5. i love saying NO.....its easy.....once you say it, the next time will be easier.....the best part about it do NOT have to give an explanation......and if they ask why?????  just say the answer is is that do not owe them anything not even the practice and have fun with  no  no  no  no  no  hahahaha...its fun!

  6. Katie anf grannybc certainly have good advice.

    i would just ads that for those people you can't say no to, the best instant response you should memorize ( if you really can't say no - if no is too blunt or sounds rude to you) is

    "I'm sorry, that's not possible."


    "i'm sorry, i can't do that.:




    just keep repeating the exact sentence you used.

    If you give ANY excuse or reason at all, they will try to "help" you solve that problem.

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