
How to be popular in school this year?

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hi i want to be popular can somone give me tips?

or how they became popular?




  1. if you dont want to be yourself copy others

  2. act really confident.

    talk/laugh alot.

    act like you're rich.


  3. you are only as popular as your click will allow.  If you spend your life wanting people's attention/approval, you will never succeed in life or marriage.  Be you, love you and appreciate you for all that you are good and bad because trust me it could be alot worse.  Want to feel cool?  Go to a children's hospital and volunteer - you will be a god in their eyes!

  4. be your own person.

  5. i used 2 b popular and trust me: its way over rated. now i couldnt care less about being popular. its so much fun not caring what anybody thinks of u and just doing whatever u want. if people dont like me just the way i am, im not going 2 change myself so they will like me. being popular isnt wuts important, being true 2 urself should take priority. and most popular people r snobs anyways ( i said MOST not ALL so popular people, please dont get offended)

  6. You're an idiot; don't worry about being "popular."  Who the h**l cares?

  7. Just be yourself and be nice to people. The next thing you know everyone will wanna be your friend. Also try being funny and dress nicely. This helped me.

  8. Try reading this-

    it'll give you the basic Idea of what you need:) try it, the site it really good, it helped me!

    good luck!

  9. just enjoy being yourself!

    cos if you try too hard, you may lose the friends you already have, and end up with no friends at all!

    we wear uniforms at my school aswell :)

    im not one of the 'pretty, popular, steriotypical' girls, that are popular because they are pretty.

    im popular in my own group of about 15-20 friends i hang round with, and im happy with that. :)

    im sure if you talk to new people you can make more friends!



  10. stop trying so hard

  11. be yourself. seriously. and being popular isnt all its cracked up to be.

  12. be yourself

  13. Kayy to be popular you main goal is to stick out and look approachable.

    #1 Be all preppy and happy

    #2 Put on make up and change your appearence

    #3 Always be nice to the popular kids and do them favors

    #4 get involved with them, get in their conversation

    Kind of invite them to be your partner for something or invite them over

    Always be cool don't freak out and stuff

    Most popular kids have a great sense of humor so humor them and laugh alot

    But kind of be yourself if you have all these qualities.

    Good luck =]

  14. be yourself, but still put yourself out there.

    talk to people around you and make friends,

    you can be popular among your friends.

    -I consider myself popular, & I got it by being myself (:

    hope that helped .

  15. well at my school im popular. and i can tell you one thing

    if you have to ask.....

    But since your desperate ima just give you one advice. Never be a wannabe. That gets us pissed off

  16. be nice.. popular is where you have alot of friends. so get alot of friends. easy

  17. well, just be yourself dont try to act popular, cuz u will make urself jus look worse. just be normal

    nd for those of u down there shes just asking for advise u r all homos who leave comments like that vvvvv

  18. put yourself out there. dont be afraid to talk to "popular" people. laugh alot and be possitive. create an image that you and only you go by. have a sense of humor. and i know its shallow, but try to make yourself as least unfortunate looking as posible. have great hair and clean nails. super cute wardrobe.  

  19. dont try to be someone ur not it always ends up bad. be yourself

  20. be outgoing and have a lot of friends and be yourself and if people dont like you as yourself idk what to say. talk to a lot of people and go to peoples houses and partys. have fun.

  21. I cant tell you how to be popular but it best to be your self and treat people with respect

    I'm 24 years old.  While I was in High school I played football and did all that stuff, drove a 68 mustang conv(i love old cars, come for a stang family)  but   did not worry about who I hung out with.   I had plenty of friends but I did my own thing I was dieing to leave my home town.  Most of the pop. people I knew in High school still live in my Podunk home town and are not worth anything.  They also got married and had kids not necessarily in that order.  As for me I have been to 6 different countries and always looking for something better. I already have retirement plans set up.  Personalty I would not worry about being popular cues in the long run it does not mean a *ucking thing.  Think about where you want to be in 2,5,10,and 30 years and get the h**l out of high school.

  22. wow

  23. umm i have the same problem i wann be popular 2..what ive noticed is be VERY outgoing!! loud! like get noticed.dont be the odd ball out or anti social-it DOSNT WORK! .Dont be weird.Like dress to impress.IF ur a boy talk to girls more often but not weird .if ur a girl talk to boys be EXTRA FLIRTY! but not a perv :)  But i hped i helped :)

  24. if you have to ask...

  25. Get involved in coordinating a mixer a fundraiser or other event.  Join the drama club or help put together a talent show.  All of these are great ways to show you are an organizer, etc.  You should also find out if you are a likable person . . . do you have many friends who you consider popular also?  Like in the business world, who you hang around with will lead you to success or failure.  Make sure you have a sphere of people who can take you there.  But, be careful, being popular isn't always all its cracked up to be.  Be true to yourself and have integrity.  Don't sell yourself short or do anything that would hurt you.

  26. Be yourself! Just be nice to people, and maybe make people laugh.

  27. Hello,

    I think the trick to becoming popular is just being yourself and treating other people like you would want to be treated.  If you're nice to people, and you be yourself, why wouldn't someone want to be your friend?  Also, joining clubs your interested in or a sport can help. There really is no "this is how you become popular" manual.  JUST BE YOURSELF, and remember, being popular is not that important thing. It may seem like it now, but when you're 30 is it really going to matter? Focus on your school work to get ahead in life.  Just don't sell yourself short.  

  28. well, no one can really explain that to you..

    but, here's the best I can.

    Just try being very outgoing,

    hang out with the kids who are considered "popular" at your school,

    accessorize nicely atleast, since you have to wear uniforms.

    Join lots of groups and participate in activities at school,

    Go to lots of social events would you call them,


    Hang out with many boys and flirt with them, get their attention.

    That's all I got.

    But you shouldn't really be thinking about popularity..

    It's not important.

    It's important to be yourself and know your loved by your true friends and family,

    not those "popular people"

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