
How to be rid of "silverfish" they are little bugs in my lower kitchen cabinets?

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I know that silverfish are associated with lack of cleanliness but I am considered by others and myself as a clean homemaker. They lurk in dark spaces and move like lightening, I do not want to use insectesides, Any old fashion methods that work? help




  1. Fill a bowl with one cup of water and begin to mix flour into it until you have created a concoction with the consistency of thin paint


    Coat both sides of several index cards with the mixture and allow them to dry.

    Place the dried index cards in areas believed to be frequented by the silverfish or firebrats.

    This should help with extermination.

  2. bay leaves good

  3. any roach poison will kill them.

  4. You should call an airconditon guy, or an exterminator over to check the moisture under your house.   Seeing silverfish is a good indication that you have a moisture problem.   You may even have a small leak, or your air conditioning is swetting which would create moisture.   These guys can run tests and investigate where the problem is.   If you choose the exterminator for example, you don't have to have him put any pesticide down.   All you have to do is get him to investigate the problem.  

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