
How to be strong enough to..??

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how to be strong enough to solve your own problems yourself?? how can one be like that??

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  1. I think it's not bad if I tell you something about facing a problem which is the first step and may be more important that solving a problem then I will talk about how to solve a problem:


    This is directely connected with self-confidance it means more self-confidence you have easier you face the problem, to improve you self-confidence, here are some good advices:

    It may sound rediculous but you can not imagine how doing sport can help you to face your problem! if you are an sport man you are more confident and it means mentally stronger then others, isn't it?

    playing an instrument, having close friend, having a good job and having somebody who love you annd trust you and believe you will help you for the same reason they make you more (confident).


    After you improved your self-confidence and made your life not boring and made a lot of friends and so,then you are not that much affraid of problems, but you should be careful because being confident is necessary to be stronger to solve a problem BUT not enough, you should be wise as well,

    first of all when you have got a problem you shouldn't get panic and do something in hurry but you should still calm and think where the problem comes from (find the root of the problem).

    then depend on the problem you should do research or consult some people who has experience on the issue.

    After doing research and consulting give some time your self to make the decision. again dont hurry, look at the problem on differnt sides, think about as many ways as possible to treat it, then consider which one is the best.

    Finally when you made the decision DONT let anybody change it, be assertive, serious and do what you have decided.

    If you follow these advices which seem easier to say than done, you will see how different it makes your life.

    I hope it would help.

  2. If you know your strength it never becomes a weakness... identify your strength first , so that you can be strong enough to ...face any problems under the sunshine.

  3. "unless you really WANT to be strong."

  4. Take your feelings seriously....Feelings are meant to be felt, understood, explored and then released...  Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand and use your feelings to get along well in your life...Emotional Intelligence has been found to be far more important that IQ, technical skills or experience in how you succeed in the business world... People who learn and use the skills of Emotional Intelligence deal better with their stress, anger and anxiety and have happier, more satisfying lives.  

  5. i think if you believe in yourself and you have full faith and loyalty towards your work then i think you can become that strong...just beleive in yourself and be confident....

    hope this helps...

    $$** LIVE LIFE KING SIZE **$$

  6. Telling yourself that you will be able to go forth and tackle that problem.You can't always have someone else figure out your problems...its life you gotta be tough enough to do it yourself. Gotta cross that bridge yourself.

  7. its simple... u just need to remember.. tht anyproblem is not bigger than ur life and happiness....

    if u think like this problem will be smaller in ur perspective and u will get the confidence to

    any has to use common sence to solve problems...

    usually..problem is never as bigger as our imagination...

    and everyproblem will/should be solved at the end of the day.. how evr the result would be .....right?

  8. one should have the will power to tackle the most difficult of the situations, have confidence in oneself and determination to put things right.

    So, in short, will power, confidence and determination is needed to cope with all the problems and solve them

  9. start using your brain!!!!

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