
How to be valedictorian in high school?

by Guest32063  |  earlier

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A friend of mine is pursuing this goal, and wanted some advice from others :)

She is a freshman this year.




  1. You have to study hard and get straight A's every quarter, every year....also participating school activites helps, it rounds you out as student.  

  2. study, take honors classes if your gpa is weighted and do well in every subject, all the time.

  3. Get higher grades than everyone else.  If your school weights honors and/or AP classes, take a lot of them to boost your GPA.

  4. You have to have the highest GPA in  your graduating year, take as many honors classes as you can.  

  5. Tell your friend to work hard to get straight A's, while taking either Honors, DSP (Destinquished Scholar Program), and AP classes.  In many schools, she will not be taking music classes (or an other class that grades on a Pass/Fail system.)  Her classes must be those which those that award letter grades.

    I had a friend who was tied for first in his class, but because he was also part of the school's swing choir (which awarded a P for passing), his GPA wasn't as high as his counterpart who elected to take another academic class.  

    Sad, but true,

  6. This one is easy to answer; have the highest GPA in the school. This means she needs to have all A's and take AP courses. If your school grades by numbers, her average should be weighted at more than 100.

  7. Study hard....incredible...take a lot of AP courses, and boost your GPA :)  

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