
How to beat senioritis?

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Hi so I am an 18 year old senior girl. theres basically only 10 school days week of finals review and the next week taking the finals. how do i beat senioritis though? i am procrastinating a little bit. I have been getting my homework done just doing it late at night i have been really slow at doing it. Im not slacking on school as in getting bad grades. im actually trying really hard and i have all a's and b's except for math i have a little trouble and makeup work but yeah how do i beat this for the next two weeks? i keep staying up really late and only getting like 3 -4 hours of sleep...i hate it. im sick of school and dont feel like doing my homework right after school :/ any advice? thanks! :]




  1. Get over it it's only 10 days out of your entire life!

  2. Deal with it!  You're almost done sweetie..

    And did you know senioritis is actually a medical illness?

  3. Keep telling yourself almost done. Within an hour of getting out of school go ahead and sit down and get the work done, keep telling yourself that if you do it now you have have more fun with your friends later and not have to worry about it.  Each night before bed put a big red X over that day to mark off one more day.  Remember though, you are glad to be getting out but for most high school really is one of the best parts of life, remember all the good things, time with your friends etc.  You will make it.  Your grades are fine and you are doing the work just think of it as the sooner it is done the sooner I can have fun.

  4. Get used to it. Are you planning on college? They actually expect you to do this kind of stuff on your own motivation, no teachers or parents telling you what you have to do. You don't legally HAVE to be there in fact you're PAYING to be there, so if you don't cut the mustard it's no skin off their noses. What about after that? Job? Career? They are actually paying YOU to be there and if you don't feel like doing what they're paying you to do or don't feel like doing it right now, no job. You get the picture. Some things after high school DO get better, but the things you seem to be having a difficult time with right now, those don't really change and often gets "worse". And it isn't just during the winter months, after school gets out and real life starts you have to deal with it constantly with just a couple of weeks vacation time a year if you're lucky. Find something stress relieving ( I recommend yoga) that you can do for a short period every day or every other day and work it into your schedule. Good Luck!

  5. my only advice would be to set a schedule...helps me when i need to do a lot..set aside break times too and it will be easier...

    time management can be a lifesaver

  6. I know how difficult it is to keep from being distracted from school right now.  Just a couple of weeks then you'll be out of highschool gearing up for summer fun and then college...and that is what you have to do is think about college.  Stop staying up late, YOU have control over your bedtime if you don't get to bed you have only yourself to blame.   I never make my kids do homework right after school afterall they just came from a day's worth of study, they need a break.  Take an hour or two, go for a walk to clear your head.  read, watch a little television (most t.vs come with timers, set your's for maybe a half hour).  If you go on computer get an "egg" timer and set it for a half hour or 45 minutes and when it goes off get off the computer and into your homework.  If you have time after homework you can always go back to the television or the computer.

  7. It's hard, but your doing much better then most seniors. My senior year you couldn't find a senior on campus any where. Just remember 10 more days, 10 more days and your done. And if you start to slip remind your self those 10 days can easily turn into an entire summer if your fail all your finals, and who wants to graduate in the summer?

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