
How to beat someone bigger than you in boxing?

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I do kickboxing but i always have trouble sparring someone bigger than me. I can beat them in a street fighting way but when i put my gloves on and if it is light contact sparring,

I can't do much coz they r going towards me and I can't punch them hard coz i'm not allowed. Please help!!




  1. Dont be indimidated because the prson is larger then you thats the first step into losing the fight. Keep a clear mind on the situation and treat your opponent as if they were just a normal sparring partner and try to figure out the weaknesses. You'll find a way;)

  2. Use the in and out technique. My coach taught me this. If you're fighting some one taller or larger chances are the have a better reach especially in kicking (I know I'm in tae kwon do). Now what you do is create  or wait for an opening. Once you see that opening move in and drop some bombs then bfore your oppenent retaliates move out of his reach and recharge. Repeat. Though it normally works better for out fighters a little strategy never hurts.

  3. Well in boxing the bigger man as the advantage. However, when fighting on the streets try to bring them down on the gound cause once on the floor both of you guys are the same height.

  4. kick them in the kidneys while the ref isnt paying attention

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