
How to beat this user at his own game?

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Right, sleeping with this guy and we are both using eachother. We organised to meet today and now he is ignoring me. I want to mess him up, now. I hate being the person on the receiving end and now I want to show him who is boss. The downside to this is I am married and he has a girlfriend.

Judge all you like, I just need answer to this question.




  1. Does ur husband know? If he doesn't it doesn't matter what u do is the next time he want to have s*x tell him how horny u and and that ur laying on ur bed naked and  tell him what ur gonna do 2 him and tell him that u wanna meet him  somewhere private. When u meet him get there b4 him and either find another guy or use ur husband and have s*x with him in front of the other guy and if he confronts u just sy "I never met this guy in my life i mean would i ever have s*x with a guy that ugly" then say" excuse me we have 2 get back 2 buisness sorry"

                                                   Good Luck Girl

  2. You need to regain control of the situation. I dont know how he can have controlwhen you are the one married. That doesnt make the whole " adultery" part fun. Not saying I agree with what you are doing -- but still. You just have to suck it up- and ignore HIM. Period. It will be hard - but right now he's in control and loving it. Show him you can do the same.. a nd you don't need him. Make it seem like he is not the only one you could be doing this with.

  3. you naughty filthy person  married hay guess what he showed you who's boss you no your place in the bed given head wow you deserve each other but i think he realizes that the better is his girlfriend and you ll aways be second on his fiddle  trash lady that's all you are   2relationships down the drain cause of you2 you deserve all you get and more [did you say you get a lot] i thought so

  4. next time he phones begging to meet you  for s*x tell him you will meet him and really wind him up about wha you are going to do to him make him really horny. then just dont turn up..x*x

  5. I'm going to judge all I want and say YOUR AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!    IDIOT

  6. I can understand your frustration in this  affair. but this is something that you were aware of  as to what the consequences in time might bring. I not judging in any way because sometimes out of impulse we do foolish things that later we regret. As the saying go's two wrongs don't make a right. I say leave it along because trying to get revenge never solved anything but bring more pain.

  7. find someone else to have s*x with and find a way to make it known to him nothing drives a man crazier then thinking that was once his now belongs to someone else

  8. So, let me try to understand your thinking,

    1) You feel used because your "user" guy stood you up and is ignoring you.

    2) You are both each technically cheating on a relationship. Him with his girlfriend, and uh you on a marriage. (just a marrige)

    3) You want to "mess him up".

    4) You want to feel like the boss.

    The only reason he is in this relationship with you is because of lack of accountability/fidelity/loyalty. He really doesn't owe you anything, you know that. You seem to be having trouble with the rules of your own relationship for some reason. Why would you expect any man to keep his promises to you, given what you seem to be capable of ?

    Well, how about this scheme:

    You could get a divorce, propose to him, and then treat him like you treat your current husband. That'd mess him up plenty bad. You'd really show him (the user) who's boss.

    You can't mess him up. You are sacrificing more than he is to be with him. He is having his cake and eating it too.

    The rules of your relationship have made him the boss.

    I'm sure he wouldn't feel the same way if things were reversed, right?

    All in all maybe you should carefully rethink your situation, because even though he may be a user, at least he hasn't broken any vows.

  9. you should get back at him by sleeping with your husband.

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