
How to becom a pilot?

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i am 15 and wanted to know what you have to do to becom a pilot




  1. if u are intrested in becoming a fighter pilot, here ya go!!!!!!!!

  2. Awesome, you're like, at the perfect age. Infact, you better start your journey soon. First, there are two types of flight schools; Part 141 and Part 61. Basically, 141 are usually better, not to say 61 is bad, any type will get you to where you are going. But 141 are generally better-quality. To find schools in your area search these sites:

    Make sure to visit all your flight schools, maybe even ask for an intro flight. Go around, meet the staff, see what you'll be training in, the environment, etc. Make sure you are comfortable with the school you choose, regardless of what type it is. When I made my first visit last Christmas, I went to a 141 school and a 61 school. Well, all I can say is the 61 school was a bit lower in quality, and the 141 did have a lot more professional stuff and fancier planes, but the staff of the 61 were a lot friendlier than the 141, who seemed to have a bit of attitude. Make sure you choose wisely. Anyway, they walked me out to the flight line and I got to see the aircraft, the cockpits, etc. Feel free to ask questions, they will be answered.

    Like I said 15 is the perfect age. Not 14, not 16, 15 is the age you wanna be. You start flight school learning basic flying stuff, and this should take from 6 months to a year depending on how often you fly. I just turned 14 so I have to spread out my flying to like once a month or I'll get ahead of myself. You don't have to worry about that. You can schedule your flights to as often as you want. When you reach sweet 16 you can solo (requires that you pass a third-class medical exam). This is a huge accomplishment for pilots.When you turn 17, you recieve your private pilot certificate. You then can get your instrument and multi-engine ratings. At 18 you get your commercial pilot certificate, and have to pass a second-class medical exam and have at least 250 hours in fixed-wing aircraft.. When you turn 18 your should also go to college. You need a four-year degree. However, I would recommend you get a degree in something other than aviation just incase another 9/11 happens and you are layed off, you can find another job because no airlines will be hiring. Anyway, you get your degree, then when you get out you can choose to fly for a regional pilot (most pilots do so) or you can become a CFI (certified flight instructor) or fly for a cargo airline, but I would recommend regionals. Some people join military but if you s***w up one test then you are stuck with them for like a decade doing jobs you dont want to do, waisting a huge chunk of your life. There is also no saying what you will fly, they might assign you to helicopters, then you're screwed. So don't do that. Once you have enough seniority as a captain for your regional, you can get hired by a major. Some majors require that you have your ATP certificate (must be 23, pass a first-class medical exam, and have 1500ish hours in fixed-wing) but some don't. When you get hired, you start out as F/O, you may or may not start out as a reserve pilot, it depends on how many pilots they need. When you have enough time as a blockholder F/O, the airline will decide to promote you to captain, again you may be on reserve or might not. Well, there you are. The Captain's seat is the top. But don't be focused on your goal. I once heard it's not your goal that will bring you happiness; It's the journey. And that's entirely true. Enjoy flight school, and working your way up to the top. Don't be focused on getting to the top. Becoming a pilot is pretty fun. Well, I wish you the best of luck and feel free to contact me if you have any questions! Good luck!

  3. First you need ground school. There is a certain amount of text u must memorize and pass an exam with. Then u need daylight hours with an IP (instructor pilot). You need a certain amount of night hours with an IP as well. After u complete the ground checks prior to flight, take off procedures, take off, emergency procedures, knowledge of equipment, flight knowledge like torque and how to use rudder etc... night flights with all of the listed above, and landing procedures. You will have your IP decide if you are skilled enough to fly on a solo flight. After u have done a certain amount of solo hours u can qualify for a license. Have fun and always remember look in all 6 directions. Up, down, left, right, forward and behind. This is imperative. If you enter another planes airspace or they enter yours and you don't see each other and send out mayday warnings it could be your last flight at all.
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