
How to become a Disney Channel Actress/ Teen Star?

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I'm 14 & It has always been a dream of mine to be an actress on TV but I have never really had the chance to have lessons because I have moved quiet a bit, I don't know how good I am but I still want to know how to become an actress. I live in the UK at the moment so does anyone have any ideas???

Please help




  1. for al the info u need to know go to and

    and search the whole site for everythig it wont pup up infront of u

    but take classes do plays and join the drama club build your resume and get an agent

  2. go to google, look up agencies in ur area, send in ur headshot (professional pic of you)/resume (list of things you've done, class plays, skits, plays.)/ and cover letter. then u wait, and hope u get a meeting with an agency. also is a GREAT place to get info from a producer at disney channel. also go to any local theater auditions or open casting calls you can get to. experience is experience. break a leg!

  3. you're an actress? are you a comedian too? this is funny...

  4. First off, you MUST MUST MUST have training of some sort. You will pretty much never get an agent without it. I know that's not what you wanted me to say, but it's the truth. If you really want this, you need to train. Training is a huge part of it, and pretty much no talent agency will accept you without it.

    There are some great acting coaches depending on where you live. They will train you and maybe recommend you for other groups, such as Groundlings, which is improv.

    When they think you're ready (this may take years), they will send you back to the agent, or, you can just choose to make an appointment yourself.

    You can go into a talent agency now and audition, though you will most likely get rejected. The point of this is that they can point you in the right direction. They can give you some names of coaches and places to go to get trained.

    Keep in mind that this might take a long time, depending on your skill level. If you really want it, you have to be committed. You also need to make sure your parents are committed as well.

    This will not happen overnight. It's lots of hard work; a lot more than people think.

    You also can't control which auditions you go on. Your agent makes the decisions for you. If they don't think you'll do well in Disney, you won't get any Dis auditions.

    There isn't really a company that will help you get an agent. You have to do it yourself. You need to get yourself classes and maybe  get in some community plays

    Hope this helps :)

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