
How to become a Preschool Director or Assistant Director in Florida ?

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I have a bachelors in Childhood Speech and Language development. I have three years experience but as a speech, language and reading teachers assistant. I want to work on my Masters in Speech but I need a full time job (that pays preferably $15+/hr) while doing it. Getting a job as a speech/ lang assistant in Fort Lauderdale is d**n near impossible. Any chances of making it in a preschool ? Any ideas ? (I'm 20 yrs old, single, with 2 cents to my name)





    go to the above site and check out what the qualifications for a director or assistant director are for your particular state.  if you meet the qualifications, apply for open positions.  but make sure your're doing it for the right reasons as early education is important, time consuming and requires a work ethic that sometimes goes beyond an 8 hour shift. i've recently retired from being a director after 25 years and i can tell you, it isn't easy, isn't always fun, is very stressful, but very rewarding.

  2. To become a preschool director you have to get your directors credentials. THere are 2 different types you can get, the regular or the advanced level. Check out this website

    look under training, then find where it says director, it will give you all the requirements

  3. I would check with the Department of Families and Children. They do the regulating of child care.

  4. you can get your degree equivalent to a cda which is what you need to be a preschool teacher in Florida then you can get your director credential on line it takes 5 weeks and you have to log on 3 times a week and do the homework that they send you. its very easy and it cost 105 dollars which you can get a scholarship. good luck

  5. I do not live in Florida but maybe you should just start applying for jobs that are offering what you want. You can always turn down the job if it doesn't fit your financial expectancy or what you would like to actually be doing. Also check with the colleges or universities to see what is required in your area.

  6. apply for 1 or 2

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