
How to become a Racehorse owner??

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what are the stages you need to follow, how much cash would you need.




  1. You better start saving your money now dude. Owning a racehorse is supppeerr expensive!! And it takes many years of experience!!!! You have to get your name out there so ppl will recognize who you are!!

    Just google racehorse business, and im sure you will find something......

    Hope this helps!

  2. Don't touch anything that trainer Mick Easterby has to do with. He done me out of a 5% share about a year ago. It was a deal based on trust that he shirked on. STAY CLEAR OF HIM.

    As for the comment about not gelding a colt. This is only ever done as a last resort. Some of the young lads need the op to concentrate not only in races but also at the stables.

  3. do you have a lots of money???anytime

  4. buy horse out of seller or claimer then you have a horse ready to run it will have handicap mark lets say 55 with a mark like  that you can enter it in races you need a trainer which will cost you minimum  of around £200 aweek every time it goes to races travelling expences a least £1 amile with a shared horse box much more if you pay the lot jockey fee for riding i think thats around £130 a ride about ten per cent of winning to stable about ten per cent of any winnings to jockey we won a race for £3000 a few years ago we were overall out of pocket horses need reguler changes of shoes just like most ladies very costly, vets bills, back men for horses prone to bad backs,, could carry on but i think you can follow my drift... forget it unless you have afew quid i.e million at least one last thing if you realy want to be involved there are plenty of sindicate you could join of the top of my head the elite racing club should suit i think its around £150 /to £200 .per year hope this helps

  5. you need about 3 million at least.

    you need to get a good horse from a foal (can buy ready trained but they cost more) train it up till its ready to race at 3.


    then you make it win and then you charge stud fees and you get a good mare and breed from them.

    before you know it your making over £30.000 a year and you have a great business!

  6. contact mylo reyes at...www,

  7. Very expensive. That's why they call it "The Sport of Kings".

    For those who can afford the vast expenditure involved with raising the standard of horse required to run in, and win, the large purses awarded by the most popular horse-racing events around the world.

  8. Im 15 and im new to the owning industry. My dad has been owing and traning for years. All you need is to a owners licence and have a good record and of course have enough money. You dont have to be rich but have enought to pay for a is food home and like basically everything... once you found a tranier that you want you go talk to them and then get a contact with them. you have to train for a while then you can race...uhm you have to get a logo for your jockeys shirt. Its costy but sssoooo worth it seeing you horse race and give it its all and knowing that you are the winner :) amazing feeling :)

  9. first you have to get a liecense and have no felony's and have money enough in the bank to pay your trainer and etc

    You will have to get O.K..ed by the stewards,,,

    Then you have to find a good trainer

    You can be a owner if you have about 1,500 a month just for up keep on that horse

    then you have to buy one either claim one or buy on at a sale

    Claiming one is better for first time owners I think

    Then the rest is up to you , ps if you find a GOOD trainer Listen to him


    Where do you live? I have lots of friends that are trainers

    I can help you in the right direction

    Please edit if you want more information on good HONEST TRAINERS


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