
How to become a Vet? Which high school classes ?

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I want to be a vet but I don't know which high school classes would look good on my resume ! Which classes look best !




  1. I'm thinking all the required classes with good grades would be impressive on any resume from High school. What is going to matter is when you have started college and how well you do taking the required classes to become a Vet. I praise you for your love and compassion towards animals. I am an animal lover and it hurts me to see anyone abusing any kind of animal. Good Luck.

  2. Biology, Chemistry, Algebra - Calculus.  Please be sure to take these classes.  My daughter attends school for the same thing. The major in college for the first 4 years to become a vet is called 'Biological Sciences'.  Be sure to take any type of biology, chemistry and math courses in high school....I can't stress biology enough though....that will be your main focus in it will look good when applying to colleges, plus it sure will help if you have an understanding of it BEFORE taking the college Biology.

  3. Lot's of science and math, especially biology and chemistry.  Work hard and get into an AP Science class

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