
How to become a famous actress or model ?

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I love when i watch movies with breakout actors and actresses and they become big i want that I mean I am shy I would rather be put on a camera than on stage because with thousands of people looking i get a bad feeling something could go wrong but if it was like for grammy or oscar I'd be cool is there a way to become a actress with no experience i mean i do like to take good photos to so modeling is another of my ideas also I wouldn't even mind being on a tv show or guest star in a movie or even just be in a commerical just to start me out and my dreams also besides fashion designing another of my ideas




  1. If your only desire is to be famous.. then YOU WILL FAIL MISERABLY because you need to be motivated by the love of it and not so you can be famous.

    You need to go to ACTING SCHOOL first... nobody is going to hire a tween with not experience and no track record.  You can also subscribe to and that gives all the AUDITIONS... because you won't get ANYTHING without going through an AUDITION.. so if you can't perform IN FRONT OF OTHERS... then maybe you had better pick another field of endeavor

  2. To be an actress you must attend stage school

    or dancer dance school

    but theres school that do dance and theatre etc. Then for model you need a portfoilio etc

    I think you should wish for a miracle

  3. for acting you of course need some skill and the stage is the best place to start, and being on stage would help get rid of your shyness the more you did it.

    i would say look in the paper or online for any open auditions for people your age. you need headshots and a resume of stuff that say your size, height, hair color, etc. and have previous experience listed on it.

  4. Go to:

    I got my job right there!

    Coz I also asked that question once..

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