
How to become a good volleyball captain?

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Hi, i've played volleyball for a while now... and am looking for a captain/co-captain position on my team... I'd like to be a leader! I'm fairly charismatic, have great grades and if I do say so myself a harder worker and an excellent volleyball player... how can I get my coach to notice me more and take an intrest in perhaps giving me one of these positions! Any tips are much appreciated! Thanks.




  1. be loud on the court, be a leader, encourage your teammates,

  2. The vb captain must always be the loudest one on the court.

                             must always encourage and motivate the team

                              must never scold or yell at the team(that's why the coach is there)

        An easy way to get noticed is to be ready to go when a coach needs a volunteer.

    lead the stretches

    don't argue with the coach

    don't blame other people for your mistakes

    don't complain about the start of a physically challenging drill

    always cheer your team on when your on the bench

    don't pout or sulk if you make a mistake or get put on the bench

    At practice always be the first to arrive and the last one to leave

    always hustle back to the court after water breaks

  3. Being a captain means you're the role model. A captain isn't always the player that everyone likes, or the one that is the best. The captain is the anchor. He/she shows work ethic, sportsmanship, and motivation. You don't have to be a great player to be a captain. If you can get every player on your team to work together, have fun, and play hard, then you are captain material.

    Of course, being a great player as well as being a leader helps. After all, if you show a solid work ethic and show 100% effort every game, it's hard for you to not be a good player.

  4. As a volleyball captain for school and club, I would say what I like to see when choosing a co-captain is someone that leads the group, starts stretches but most importantly supports the team. Team support is awesome, and thats what a captain should be. Cheer everyone one, motivate like no other, because as you know, thats the only way one is going to get the power to win in a game. Thats just how volleyball is. So jump on the court, motivate and help the team get that energy they need. Good luck!

  5. Part of being a volleyball captain is being the most responsible and trustworthy person on the team. You also have to have outstanding leadership abilities and you always have to do the right thing, even when others on the team don't. You can't crack under pressure and have to handle things very well.

    If the coach chose you to be the captain, she will most likely ask you to watch over the team while she works on line-ups and warm-ups before the game. You have to be able to handle all your peers and get them to do drills and stuff like that.

    If someone on the team is having a problem with someone else, you need to be the person she comes to, and everyone on the team needs to know that they can depend on you to help them. The last thing a coach wants is a bunch of teenage girls fighting. But if things get to hard to handle, you will have to tell the coach.

    To get the coach to notice you, and hopefully pick you for the captain spot, you have to show her how responsible you are to begin with. Always shag balls whenever she asks, and even do it before she asks. Always volunteer to do things. Ask her if she needs help with running drills, carrying equiptment in....etc. Also, if she is trying to gain control of your team, step up and tell them to do it!!! Your peers are more likely to listen to you, rather than an old coach.

    You also need to do simple things, such as always be on time, and never skip practice or an open gym because you "dont feel like it".

    Hopefully these tips will help you with gaining the respect of your team, and I hope you have a GREAT season =]

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