
How to become a hot walker for a racing stable?

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I've been in love with horse racing for over 20 years now, and I would love to be involved with it in some way. I had at first considered trying to be an exercise rider, as I'm small and light enough, but I think I'd do better a a hot walker or groom for a Thoroughbred racing stable. However, I'm not sure how to go about it. Being that I live in North Carolina, I'm not near any major horse farms other than the ones in Aiken, SC.

Any thought as to what I should do? I suppose I could email different horse farms and ask them....




  1. You have to understand, you are not looking at a normal job but more a lifestyle with a paycheck.  We work 7 days a week.  The days start around 4:30 am and does not end until the last detail is taken care of.  It is hard physical work.  You cannot work in a racehorse barn unless you love what you do!

    The first thing you have to do is get to a track or an area where there are farms or training centers.  Then, go to the stable gate and ask the guard to make an announcement over the PA  "anyone looking for a hotwalker, come to the gate."

    Alternatively, visit the farms or training centers and ask if they need help.  If they don't need help, they probably know someone who does and can point you in the right direction.  (There used to be quite a few training farms around Camden.)  

    I would not spend much time calling or emailing, a trainer wants to see you and evaluate your abilities.  Your best bet is just show up and make a good, confident impression.  There usually are not "interviews" for hotwalkers and grooms, we want to see how you handle yourself around the horses.

    Hotwalking is a good foot in the door.  After a trainer sees how you handle their horses, they are much more likely to let you groom.  


    [I have to know the people handling my horses are not going to get the horse hurt or themselves, in that order.  (Sounds cruel I know, but the horses are the money makers and everybody in my barn knows that.  I take care of my people very well, but the horses are number 1.  Without them, none of us would have a job.)  All of my grooms started as hotwalkers.  I also have 2 employees at the farm who groom, exercise and hotwalk.  They do it all and have been with me for years.]

  2. Being a hot walker doesn't take any training you just have to be able to handle a horse on the ground.  I've always worked on the track except the two times I worked on farms.  It's really not that hard to get a job with a racing stable as they are always looking for help.  You could try contacting them by phone, e-mail, or even visiting the farms and see if they need a hot walker.  Is there a race track nearby that might be a better route to go.  Just go to the track's stable gate and let security know you are looking for work and they will make an announcement over the PA system and any trainer looking for a hot walker will contact the stable gate.  If you need anything else or have questions  you can contact me at

  3. I think it would be better to get in touch with a trainer, than with the owners of the farm. He or she would be more in charge of the training (and therefore the warmup and cooldown) of the horses.

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