
How to become a mermaid?

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i really want to know i've been trying for a long time and nothing seems to work!!! :(




  1. Guest32761

     there are many ways... 1. ask god every night 2, put your hand in water, close your eyes. and believe 3. pray pray pray. amd 4. go to for loads of spells!

  2. Go to my and lookat the answers at h2o.

  3. This is all you have to do:
    sit outside with a clear bowl or cup filled with cold mixed with warm water. Then put your hand in the water , make sure the moon is shinning on the water. You legs will start to turn orange and they will start to itch only a little bit. then , it takes a month to become a mermaid...good luck!
    p.s. it only works for a few people , it MAY work for you , you might be lucky...keep trying if you fail!

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