
How to become a...?

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I want to be a news anchor.. not like a local news anchor but like big broadcasts like CNN... and preferably like E! but, that's prob really really hard to get into.. not that CNN isnt, but there are only so many E! news people that I see on that channel.. Anyways, how hard is this major? Is 4 years of college good enough or should I go for more? How much do they make a year?




  1. The course is difficult and you would be best advised to follow it up with a masters as well..and then you become a reporter and work for a pittance, sleep with whoever might help you out and finally get to actually give your own reports on the you have managed to get that far..and then you wait for an anchor man or woman to get sacked or have  a heart attack or whatever in the hope that you might just be able to get their job...inspite of the fact that there are thousands of other people who want it and many of them have better experience than you do.

    Saying that you want to study to be a news anchor is not unlike deciding to go to drama school in order to become a film star....there is a long and difficult road between where you begin and where you would like to end up.

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