
How to become a school teacher?

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I having a midlife crisis and want a career change to teaching in elementary school.

I have a BS in biology. What more do I need to apply for the job?




  1. Get an education degree

  2. I have  a BBA in management and am currently attending a college to receive my master's degree in education with a simultaneous certification.  To obtain certification, you need to go to your state's Department of Education webpage, where it will list the qualifications you will need.  Most likely, you will have to take a year or 2 of education courses, and often that can be done part time at night (except for student teaching).  To get certification, you often have to pass a test or two as well.  In Massachusetts, it's the MTEL, in many other states its the Praxis 2.

    Below is the link to the National Education Association.  I hope you find it helpful and make sure you look up your state's requirements because they can vary quite a bit from state to state!

  3. are you sure you can tolerate teenagers? they are annoying, I'm annoying ha ha you should be a kindergarden teacher or a high school teacher, elementary is one of the worst stages, middle school is the harder one

  4. You will need to go back to college and get a degree in teaching.  You will only have to take classes that focus on Education and then complete your student teaching experience.  Go for it.  I'm getting my LBS1 (learning behavior specialist certification and then going for a masters in Teachers Leadership.)  I'm 47 and back in College!

  5. Public schools. State certification, plus pass mandatory exams. Private, maybe just BS will do.

  6. Getting a teaching certificate is reasonably straightforward.

    If you want to get up the ladder a bit, seek out a path that will get you an education masters degree. My wife teaches such a course through Oregon State University.

    If you want to benefit from lots of government goodies, go and work in the boonies where the results are dreadful and sign onto every state and federal research program, MSP and other handout. You'll be doing a good thing for the place you're in, the housing is cheaper and you'll be fixing problems.

  7. Contact your local board of education and find out what courses they require. You will have to student teach and get a teaching certificate.

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