
How to become amagician Real magic specifcaly death spells to those wicked?

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i want to do real death speels and time travel magfigians and witches please help




  1. Dude, Dungeons and Dragons is just a game, Harry Potter is just a book, and the Lord Of The Rings is just a neat story. I have heard many times of people needing a reality check when it comes to the issue of fantasy entertainment. I'm not trying to be condescending here. If you do believe in "death Spells" then it may be a good idea for you to speak with a counselor or other such health care provider.

    Good Luck

  2. I agree with Scotticus.  Before you attempt to learn any *magic*, you might want to see if you can get your medication refilled.  And you might also wish to learn to spell in ENGLISH before you try to cast any spells.  Somewhere along the line, you have lost the thread that connects you to reality.

  3. Before you try that I suggest you read up on magick and karma first. Be careful karma always gets you. If whoever you want to hurt is really wicked they will get whats coming to them. Try looking for a spell to keep them away from you..or something to protect you from them insted because sooner or later karma will catch up to them. It always does.

  4. Go to Haiti and learn the secret art of voodoo.

  5. Real 'magic' like that is only possible through demons. Stay away from that stuff. Demons will deceive and then destroy you.

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