
How to become an authorised agent of Railway e-ticketing. Whome to contact and the procedure of the same?

by Guest10926  |  earlier

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Please tell me what are the documents required and amount that I've to deposit.




  1. any of these procedures, rules, money amounts, and laws will depend on your location and your railway companies thereof.

    please update with your country and state location, so that we can advise you better.

    however, im not really sure what you are referring to, "being an agent of e-ticketing".  the whole point of "e-ticketing" by any carrier, whether it be airline, bus, or rail, is that no ticket is issued and that the carrier sells the ticket themselves (thus cutting out travel agents and other ticket issuers).

    the whole point of "e-ticketing" is to save the carriers money - by not paying commissions to other agency's to sell tickets, to speed up passenger/frt services such as boarding, to eliminate "paper tickets" and the costs and fraud associated with paper tickets, and so on.

    but, depending on where you are, maybe it is allowed.  but i cant imagine why it would be.  

    altho', if you are trying to create a competitior to orbitz, travelocity, expedia, etc, then you could.  but good luck if that is your goal, as the margins are slim and there is already a crowded field of competitors.  the airlines and railways would just as soon not even have them, but they are expanding the market's reach to get carriers' spaces sold that otherwise would go empty.

    but at the least, if we know what country you are in and what railway firm(s) you plan to deal with, perhaps we can help you better.

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