
How to become better friends?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, hey guys! A while back I asked about becoming friends with this kid. Well, I managed to do it and now we're friends. BUT, how can we become better friends? I want to invite him to hang out, but I don't know what to do! (We're both guys)

He's like amazing at soccer, so I would invite him to play, but it probably wouldnt be fun for him since he would own me. I would invite him to dinner with my friends, but he's a senior and me and my friends are all sophmores, so I dunno if he would want to go. I would invite him to the mall or something, but once again, I dunno how he would do with my other friends. The only thing I can think of is a there anything else?




  1. ask him to do things that he enjoys, probably then, he wouldn't really mind your friends that much

  2. Don't listen to those people. Guys, like girls, should have friends their own gender. Some people are really cool and you want to be like their best friend. Play video games, go out to eat and talk about things, watch movies, go to the mall and make complete idiots of yourselves(or not). I don't really know what you are into but just ask him what he's doing one weekend or after school and if he's free ask if he'd like to hang with you. Ask him what he'd want to do. Just have fun and show him how awesome you are so he'll want to hang out more. If you don't think he'll like your friends then hang out with his friends or just you 2 together. If you're feeling brave then have your friends there too. If he likes you he might like some of your friends too. Good luck

  3. i think you should do whatever you feel is best i personally like the dinner idea or a movie but maybe instead of just inviting your friends you could have him invite some of his friends too so that way he won't feel weird, best of luck! :)

  4. Dude...stop stressing! This is probably why it was so hard for you to become friends in the first place!

    EVERYONE likes to just "hang out." Trying to plan activities that the other person likes to do just for the sake of being their friend is not OK. How are you going to be friends if all you do is try and think up things that he likes to do? If you're really meant to be friends, the things you do when you hang out will be natural and enjoyable. If not, you simply won't hang out anymore.

    Just don't hinge your entire reality on the fact that your friends with this guy or not.

  5. just ask him let's hang out and see what happens

  6. think of fun things that cool guys would like to do ya know babe.

    bowling, yeh football just cos he might be better than you doesnt really matter, its just a friendly game, have fun, obviously its not guna bother you if he kanes you at footy lol . yeh dno wat else to suggest,

    try bowling. you seem to really wanna be friends with this dude..:)

  7. Ask him to come to you're house and play some video games for a while and after you guys get tired, invite him to eat with you guys.  

  8. just try everything you can think of. maybe it will work out and be really fun. if its not at least you tried and then you can try something else. what if you guys go try to pick up girls together or something. haha idk what guys do. sorry.

  9. Use soccer. Ask him to help you become a better player. While you guys are practicing, strike up a conversation about music, other sports, movies you guys have seen.  Talk. That's how acquaintances become friends and so on. The where to hangs and what to dos when you get there will fall into place the more you guys get to know each other. Most importantly don't be fake, or force the issue. No on likes to be used.  

  10. when you are 21 and hes 21 get yourself a 40 oz for each of you and go to a strip club when both of you are 21

  11. Your not g*y are you..

    Anyway just hang out with him anywhere do something find out more of his interests and try to find stuff in common.

  12. Ask him.

    Ask him his hobbies and what he enjoys,

    Ask him the kind of things that really makes his day,

    His favourite foods, games, ect.

    Invite him round your place maybe to get a pizza, play some poker with some of his and your friends, would be a great opportunity to get to know what hes about and his background and his kinda friends,

    the more u ask the more you will learn about this guy.


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