
How to become emotionless?

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Look,theres this girl i wanna date but i know she will say no whatever i do so i need to get rid of my emotions to stop the pain.Any ideas




  1. i will never know until u ask her

  2. stop breathing for two hours.

    after this remedy you will have no emotions.

    although you wont have a pulse either.

  3. This is a complicated question as there are many methods of reducing emotions. You could sell your soul to the devil, which would render you emotionless, but I wouldn't recommend it. The best method of controlling you emotions and pain is to do something therapeutic like write down your feelings in the form of a song or poem, or even keep a diary. You can also use relaxation techniques e.g. meditation or breathing exercises. If you really like this girl then you should tell her regardless or you will regret it. Experience will be your best guide and you will learn from your mistakes and become stronger for it. Good Luck.


  4. meditate, listen to good music, watch comedy stuff

    p.s:no self-confidence?

  5. If you find the answer, please email me :))))

  6. LOL...!!!! we got the same problem... hmm, but i'm done with it...

    if you want to be emotionless then you should think to yourself that you will always have a time that you will be together...

    time has its own way, just trust it... to become emotionless is impossible so just quit thinking about being one...

  7. You can’t get rid of emotions, you’re human, you wouldn’t want to get rid of emotions. What you have for this girl is not love, it’s attachment. You have grossly exaggerated her qualities. Think about how not everyone feels like you do about her. This isn’t because they are blind, it’s because you have a fantasy going on. I’m not saying you shouldn’t love her. That is a very positive thing, but it isn’t love you feel, or at least it’s not the whole story, what you want is to have her, to own her, that’s not love, it’s selfish attachment.

    If you know for sure she isn't interested then let go. It is that easy. Well, maybe not at first. Practice in your mind. Start by imagining holding on to a rope, hold on really tight, see the abyss below you. Then let go. Just relax, let go. Repeat this til you feel you have it.

    Then sit quietly and comfortably but not in a position where you will fall asleep. Now analyse this person, think about how she will look in sixty years time, think about how she will look when she is dead, think about the body rotting, the flies, the maggots. Think about the negative sides about her. Think about the mucus, the f***s. Think about everything that is normal to everyone, the things we avoid thinking about. Picture her in dirty old, stinking socks she borrowed from her dad. Well you get the idea. Don’t go too far though; you don’t want to hate her. This is just to try to get some balance back in your mind about this person.

    Above all, think about your good qualities, think about the things that make you happy about yourself. You feel you want her because you feel she will make you whole, she will fill a wanting in you. Learn to be happy with yourself, then when somebody who wants you comes along then you’ll be a more complete person to accept their emotions and more balanced in yourself not to push them away with your needs.

    Good luck.

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