
How to become famous and have a career like Demi Lovato?

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I'm not just some desperate little kid wanting to be famous.

And I don't want to be famous for the money. Or just for the fame.

I LOVE to sing and I LOVE to act, and Demi Lovato is lucky enough to do both in her career. The same with Miley Cyrus. And at such young ages(15)!

I am currently 13 from Michigan.

I have no professional acting or singing experience, besides school musicals(2).

I know that there are thousands, if not millions, of teenagers who share my dream. But, I am willing to work very, very hard to achieve my goals.

People say that I have a good voice, but I need just a little work. Singing coach.

People say that I am a little shy on-stage acting. Acting coach.

But besides that, would I have to move to California to really pursue my dream?

Any help is appreciated!

Much luv,

Katyie <3




  1. tell them its your dream and that you love them but nothing they say will make you stop dreaming! rule number 1 you need to not care what your parents think or friends or anybody!

    and ask your parents to get you an agent! and you dont need to live in california! jonasbrothers got started in new jersey and demi and selena and cody got started in texas!

    all real agents are free.

    and only get 10-20 % of the money you make doin commercials etc.

    if some1 says you ahve to pay them for them to be your agent they their a scam!

    and you need to bget experience cause it will look great on your resume example:

    acting classes

    singing classes

    plays(major roles wouild look great)

    and go to for auditions hope i helped

    and for agents.

  2. well with ur parents you should tell them thats its ur dream and they cant take that away from u its hwhat u wanna do. Its crazy becasue one day i was in my car and i heard on z100 that this lady is in the city looking for girls and boys for singing and acting i dnt remember the number but you should go online and look up important people who can make u into show biz ill reach u if i find somethinng u should go to auditions for roles and go on the computer o look for that u never noe

  3. well you just really have to belive in yourself and hope and wish for everything good tht could possibly happen

  4. It&#039;s great that you love to sing, and act.. and deficiently pursue it. You have to have experience to get into acting though.. so it&#039;s good that you&#039;ve been in 2 musicals (great for a resume) you should be in as many plays as you can get in (even if you don&#039;t make the main character) Do drama class at school, chorus, more school plays, a local theater by you.. Spend about a year really building up your resume with plays and take singing lessons, maybe ask your chorus or drama teacher where you can find good singing lessons and take dance lessons too, it&#039;s great if you could have all three on a resume (acting, singing and dancing) Next take some professional acting classes ( i did John Casablanca-- many people say it&#039;s a scam but i thought it was AMAZING.. they gave me great tips on going on auditions we did a lot of commercial work and they showed you how to put a resume together and you even go head shots another great place to look is John Robert Powers or Pro Scout -- there everywhere) After doing plays, taking acting lessons, getting head shots and a resume.. you should look into getting an agent.. they have the BEST source of information on auditioning for things.. and start small with commercials, student films and get some on camera work.. then you can get bigger and audition for maybe Disney channel.. You don&#039;t have to live in LA.. to become &quot;discovered&quot; you can really live anywhere it&#039;s just a matter of traveling to where the movie or show takes place and that could be anywhere (camp rock was filmed in Canada) Now remember that rejection is a HUGE part of show biz.. if they don&#039;t except you it&#039;s not because your not good, it&#039;s because your not right for the part.. but keep going NEVER give up. Your parents really have to be involved if you want to get far.. since your underage your parents have to sign everything.. drive you everywhere, you should really sit down with them and discuss it with them.. my mom said if i want to act i have to have a back up plan (mine is photography) so tell them you really want to do this.. you&#039;ll work hard to get it and so on.. Hope this helped :) And Good Luck!

  5. sorry but with out your parents support. how are you going to get a ride to auditions,classes etc.and you cant get signed with an agent with out your parents.

    i want to be an actor to but my parents support me all the way.

    just have a talk with them about this kind of stuff.

  6. It&#039;s great that you realise that Demi Lovato got there through talent and hard work. Since you have no singing or acting training I simply recommend you get them and continue to perform in musicals etc.

    I think that you most likely will have to move to California if you want to be on Disney, but you can always get to where Demi is through other doors.

    I know how you feel, you&#039;ve got a big dream and are willing to work hard for it and your parents aren&#039;t supporting you. That&#039;s exactly how I feel too. What I&#039;m planning to do is get loads of experience, then a talent agent but I live in Ireland so there&#039;s no way I can get onto Disney Channel so I&#039;m gonna go down another route by building myself up through movies, commercials etc. Don&#039;t listen to your parents if they put you down like that. Anything is possible if you set your mind to it.

    If I were you I would simply get experience, confidence, training and ask your parents if they could get you an agent once you think you have built yourself up enough. Also, build up a headshot and resume along the way. If you don&#039;t know what that is then search it on google. Therefore, if you do get one, they&#039;ll realise that you are going in the right direction. So prove them wrong if they don&#039;t listen to you and go follow your dreams. Don&#039;t let ANYONE put you down and say &quot;It&#039;ll never happen&quot; because THEY DON&#039;T KNOW. Never forget that and keep on going.

    Good luck with your career. :)

  7. wow we have alot in common and i really wanna go to california 2! im deciding 2 go to college there

    even my mom says the same thing but wen i think about it it makes me cry cuz like its my dream n i should be able to live it! and u should follow u dreams in acting just like me try going to this website for auditions

    thanks  4 listening and go 4 ur dream!

    Best of luck 2 the both of us!

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