
How to become more felxibly for my martial art!?

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I want to become more flexible for my kung fu i can not kick past hip height on a side kick nd front kick just below my chest.. i hav no been this inflexible my hole life but just have gotten less and less over the years im quite young so can do alot of stretches but just want the most effective 1's (as i already a few everyday but does not seem to work)

In advance Cheers




  1. Train. Then stretch. Don't overdo it or you'll injure yourself. Make sure you're warmed up fully. Ask your Sifu, he should be able to teach you some good stretching routines.

  2. I will second Peter in this, ask your Sifu or your instructor for a few.  There should be stretches in your class time, and you should be sure to get a really good stretch when doing them.  Be sure that you follow your instructors instructions as to maximize the benefit.  And stretching after a good workout is crucial.  Your muscles will be warm and loose, but will also have some lactic acid in them as well.  Removing this with stretching helps your muscles heal and recuperate better/faster.  

    Other than that, it takes some time to become more flexible, so dont try to push yourself too hard, or you risk injuries that will set you back even further.

  3. Okay, so, we're doing very complicated stretches. Believe me, it takes time. You're not the only one in that boat! Anyway, over time, you'll improve.

    Stretches to help:

    Ya tui--most common stretch. Put your heel on a flat, stable surface and turn your waist inwards. Bend from your waist and try to touch your chin to your knee or your toe. (THIS TAKES A WHILE) As a warm up exercise, you can just do this and bend like you would stretching any other exercise.

    Torture, but helpful--put both hands on the bottom of your foot and stretch your leg out straight at a 45 degree angle to the left if it's your right foor and right if it's your left foot. Keep at it for 20 times or more.

    Hope this helps.

  4. stretch every day

  5. warm up then stretch. hold the stretch at least 1 minute. relax your muscles when you stretch. stretch morning and night.

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