
How to become more intelligent?

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What are some daily things I can do to become smarter? Do you suggest reading any books, etc?




  1. People generally are as smart as they can be.

    What do you mean by "smarter"? The culture tends to define intelligence as the ability to manipulate abstractions according to the forms of logic. If you have a taste for logic and mathematics, indulging that taste will strengthen your over all abilities. Plunging into symbolic logic, or reading Plato in light of it, will give you the skills the culture would call those of a "smart" person. However, very few people call that recreation. If you don't generally like it and your mind doesn't move that way, there is not too much you can do to make yourself more adept.

    However, intelligence does not have to be so defined. One doesn't look at a painting by Monet and think, what a smart man. One doesn't hear The Ring Saga by Wagner and think: my, my, my, the intelligence there. Monet and Wagner are supremely skilled at what they do--and that's all the manipulators of verbal and symbolic abstraction are. Which is another way of redefining intelligence.

    To elaborate: the key is not to try to be something you're not but to find what your talents are and to cultivate those as deeply and variously as you can. Probably it all works around to the same general idea anyway. High level understanding of the world can occur through music, through motorcycle maintenance (see _Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance_), cosmetology, glass blowing, finance, etc. Can occur--doesn't necessarily occur. Depends on the depth and understanding that result, but all things have their place and time, so people finally are as smart as they can be.

  2. Read books.  Their are also books with math problems or reading problems that you can do.  You can find them in book stores.

  3. You are smart already or you wouldn't be asking for advise. Do crossword puzzles. Take a class in something you are interested in. Read about subjects that interest you. And most important, don't think of yourself as NOT smart.

  4. Read books, talk to people, do games like sudoku, cross-words etc. watch T.V. (something educational) just about anything that has you thinking, and/or learning.

  5. Just open your mind to new things and try them.

  6. Read alot of books. About differnt subjects, that always challenge your reading skills.

    And use your logical thinking skills. Do not just open your mouth up and talk, actaully think about what you are going to say. If you are having a dicussion, dont blab on if you dont know what you are talking about. If someone catches you talking mumbo jumbo your going to feel very silly.

  7. lol u suck  

  8. There are different kinds of intelligence (research multiple intelligences) so you can cultivate different skills and areas. Take a look at _Five Minds for the Future_ and  _Intelligence Reframed_ by Howard Gardner. Philip Carter's _Increase Your Brainpower: Improve your creativity, memory, mental agility and intelligence_ is also a good read.

    For now, read, read anything you can get your hands on that interests you and about which you don't know much... (skip the fiction, romance novels or chick lit. that are for pure entertainment).

  9. spend free time at the library.  instead of going to the pub go to the library.

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