
How to become not so lazy! Please no criticism.?

by Guest66511  |  earlier

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Ok I know this sounds like a stupid question, but I am so sick and tired of being lazy, I have a 5 year old and 2 year old and Im so stinkin lazy. My youngest wakes up about 7 and I lay her back in bed with me and we both fall asleep about 9-10, I feel so tired still. No matter how much sleep I get 7-8-9-10 hrs of sleep I still feel exhausted in the morning and I want to be able to get up with them. How can I make it so when I go get her from her crib I don't lay back down. Now I know most of you are saying, "just don't lay back down lazy ***" but please none of that. I am serious, I need help, I am over weight and depressed so I'm sure that has somthing to do with it, but is there any small things that I could do?




  1. If u get more sleep and u nap all the time, of course ur going to feel tired!

    If u get up @ 7 every day. Stay up! Drink some coffee, make breakfast, do some laundry, put ur kids in a stroller and go for a nice morning walk.

    U have to motivate ur self to get up and be a role model for ur kids.

    If they see that ur lazy and never want to get out of the house, let alone the bed, they will learn to be exatly that way. Do u want ur kids being 30 years old and still living with u and not have a job???

    Every thing u do reflects off of ur kids.

    If ur over weight and eat un healthy, what makes u think ur kids won't be that way??

    if u have anger problems and are constantly yelling and arguing, they will more than likely have anger issues when they get older.

    20 bucks says ur house isn't all that organized, clean, kept up?????

    You need to sit down, write down a list of goals that u would like to accomplish during the day.

    Things u would like to do:

    take the kids to the park/ a movie/ zoo, get ur hair done, get ur nails done, take the kids to get new shoes, visit a friend/ relative, go to a new restaurant/ store,  ....

    Things u need to do:

    Go to the bank, pick the dog/ cat up from the vet, go to ur doct apt, pick a perscription, get ur oil changed, pick up snacks for ur kids' games/ sleep over/ party, call ur mother/ friend, excersize.....

    Things u have to do: take a shower, kids the kids a bath, feed ur self and the kids, vacuum, laundry, feed the dog/cat,

    pay ur bills before they turn off the water/ heat/ electricity, make dinner, shop for a gift, put gas in ur car, grocery shopping......

    These are all things EVERY BODY does.

    Be a good role model for ur kids and TAKE CARE OF UR SELF!


  2. I feel exhausted no matter how much sleep I get 8 hours or 12 hours it is not enough, so I hear ya.

    Make small changes to your diet and daily activity, exercising boosts your immune system and your metabolisim. You will lose weight, get energized and feel happier. It is hard to make dramatic changes but very simple to slowly eliminate foods and habits you know are no good for you. Get out scribbler and start a weight loss/exercise journal. on the cover write out your current weight and your goal weight, when you expect to have achieved this goal (be realistic, it is healthy and normal to only loose 2lbs a week, more than that and it is water and muscle, if you strive to loose much more than that you set yourself up for disappointment) and how many calories, carbs and fat you can take daily based on your current weight and typical physical activity. on each page write down everything that goes in your mouth and its calories carbs and fats. Also write down your liquide intake and exercise (and length of time you exercised) that day. You need to burn more calories than you take in while still maintaining a healthy calorie intake. Simply put you need to cut calories (energy, your body stores as fats) to lose weight, you need to lose weight and be physical to boost your metabolism and thus not be so tired and dragged out.

    Ideally 55% of Calories come from carbs, 30% protein and 15% fats. If your having a really hard time loosing the last few pounds keep protein up and carb down.

    As an example I take in 1030 cals a day, 58 grams of fat and 265grams of carbs leaving me plenty of room in each meal (343cals 19g fat and 88g carbs) so that I am not hungry, I am getting a balanced diet and still able to maintain a 2lb weight loss a weeksimply by reducing calorie intake. I am 145lbs and my goal is 100 by december, ony 7.5lbs a month! I have taken up 2 daily walks (am and pm) with my son in his stroller that are an hour and half each (348cals average a walk).

    You also need to exercise longer than 20 minutes, the first 10 minutes of activity your body burns glycogen, then it starts to burn stored energy (fat)so if you exercise for only 20 minutes you are only getting half your workout! Ideally you will exercise for 30-60 minutes a session. But work yourself up to that if you need to, your body has to adjust if your not very active.

    Good luck. I promise that when you start being active and losing weight you will feel more energetic and you will feel happier, not only about yourself but also in simple daily living.

  3. Do you smoke pot?  If so, then slow it down.

  4. You should talk to your dr.  The depression is probably a big factor.  You should get help for that not only to cure the "lazies" but so you can be the best parent you can be in all areas.  Your dr. can also run tests (like thyroid, blood sugar) to rule out any underlying medical causes, and best of all, can set you up on an exercise program and diet that will help heal your mind and your body.  There is help out there.  I know from experience that it's not always easy to admit that you have something like this going on, but it is well worth it in the end.  The hours you are sleeping in the mornings with your 2 year old are precious moments you could be spending with her and watching her learn and grow.  You don't want to look back on this time with regret.  The first step (the hardest step) is to get up and look for help.  I wish you the best.

  5. It is fun to be lazy for a while in your life.  Go ahead.  You'll know when your energy is returning.  Just go with the flow.  I know it's hard with kids, but be true to yourself.  Your natural body rhythms are telling you something.  Listen to them.

    I bet your kids turn out fine.  I bet you are a good mom.

  6. Wake up, take a shower, brush teeth and eat breakfast.

    Food = Energy

  7. I find myself lazy too but the best way to get out of it is get up and go out. Take your kids for a walk or visit. It makes me feel so much better getting fresh air. Or just take it slow, go sit outside or go grab lunch. Good luck!

  8. everybody feels lazy that's normal you said you feel depressed that will make you feel tired i had the same problem. i would go to the doctor to see if they can help you. its not a stupid question. good luck

  9. I would most definitely seek an endocrinologist in order to have your hormones checked.

    From your description, your 'laziness' can be chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue and depression are usually symptoms secondary to a hormonal or metabolic imbalance.

  10. Not a stupid question! it is a brave and honest question! I have struggled with this for a long time. I think you are so right when you say that being overweight and depressed has something to do with it. It has everything to do with it!! One of the main signs of clinical depression is excessive sleep.

    Some small things would be to force yourself to get out everyday. Even if it is just a walk around the block. Or force yourself to call a friend, or get out to a play group.  Plans things for your week that you are looking forward to.

    It will be force, b/c you are not going to feel like it all. But if you keep doing things you felt like doing, you are not going to get better!

    It might also help to go see your dr and see if anti-depressants would help you. Sometimes anti-depressants can get you through  this tough time and help you get better. And seeing a counsellor might help you too.

    Go and google clinical depression. See if you fit the description. This looks like a good website to start:

    Being a mom is a tough job! You have it in you do get through this! For yourself and your family! you are a wonderful mom for realizing this and trying to help yourself!! Take the next step!!!!

    I hope this helps!

  11. Seriously, get your thyroid checked.  It effects your energy level and your weight.  Also,  first thing in the morning get everyone one up, in the strollers, or in some shoes and go for a brisk morning walk.  It wakes you up, gets you motivated, gets your blood flowing, boosts your metabolism and it's a great way to start the day.

  12. Call your doctor maybe you need anti depressants! I know how you feel- I have 4 kids oldest in 6 & youngest is 2 months & I feel like I can't get out of bed sometimes! Kids are a lot of hard work!

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