
How to become popular in high school?

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I'm going into my 2nd year of high school next week. I'm not into physical activites and I'm not very social. I want to become popular. How could I do this?




  1. there no need to be popular dude, just hang out with your own friends and i mostly like to be in the middle not those annoying geeks or those bossy popular kids.  Hang out and be open, say hi to people and do whatever your good at like sports, art, ect. but i dont know bout band or core subjects like math and others.  But doenst mean that you should be stupid just keep core subject to yourself dont walk around and show off that you can do english all correct and c**p, just get good grades but dont show off that your smart or anything.

  2. Being popular is just being who you are, You don't have to add or take away from yourself to be notice. Just be you. Because being popular is not away a good thing.

  3. ok honestly, this is a very sad question. But if you want to really know how...

    Start gossiping about other girls to the popular girls

    Be a ***** to everyone...except the popular girls

    Be extremely nice to the popular girls and tag along with them.

    You will be popular if you do this, but everyone will also hate you. Oh and by the way, the popular people will obviously realize that you want to be popular, adn they might laugh at you.

    so be prepared...

    but then again, being popular in highschool is sooooo important now-a-days...

    good luck!

  4. You need to actually start talking to people, you need to take action and do something, you can't just wait for people to start talking to you.. To be popular people gotta like you, make them laugh, connect with them, and don't talk about yourself too much...........However, know what your getting into, being popular is not just knowing a lot of people and having everyone like you, some people won't like you or you might make a mistake like forgetting someones birthday or something and then drama starts, trouble. I'm not saying that it will, I'm just trying to help you think about this decision, and if you really want this then go for it and do it with confidence! You can still have a small group of  friends and hangout and have tons of fun!    

    *please don't turn into someone your not, you can make some changes about yourself, but don't turn into someone your not and do stuff you don't like just to be popular, you can still be popular being yourself, just gotta be smart and know how to get around.. it's really not that hard!

    -- Best of Luck!

  5. Change your behaviour and attitude completely.

    Then see.

  6. its seriously not that important to be popular casue most of them are fake but its ur choice so if u want to know go to and type in the search thing popular and ull get a list hope i helped:)

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