
How to become rich?

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How to become rich?




  1. get a darn good job, marry someone with a darn good job or be born with a silver spoon in your mouth, win big in vegas, rob a bank, etc...........

  2. Marry someone rich... :)

  3. There are so many ways to be a rich. It is just a matter of choice. There are short cut and easy way to become rich and there are long and hard way. You can be rich by doing bad or you can be rich by doing good and fair to everybody. Which way do you prepare?

    If you choose to do bad things and took advance to the weakness of other people because that's the easiest and fastest way to be a rich, will it bring you true happiness? Will you have peace of mind and can you sleep at night soundly knowing that you've hurt so many people and there are so many people who hated you so much? You might be convincing yourself that it doesnt matter if you do bad thing to other people as long as you get rich, anyway you are not the only one who do it.

    If you choose the right way or by doing good, there's a lot of sucrifices, lots of difficulties and it is hardest way to be a rich,   If you choose this way, you may not get rich, only few people succeed by choicing this way. The richness you can get is not in the form of money, you will be rich in terms of treasured memories, experiences  and knowledges that no one can it from you ( that no one can steal it from you). You can share that richness to everybody but that richness will not be diminished. Unlike for money you spend it, you share it, you wouldnt know you've lost it.

    Know ask yourself which one do you prepare?

  4. Marry a rich person is the quickest (and most fun) way.  :)

  5. Hey! BOYO! don't listen to the other lady I know a other way that you can get rich by doing either bad or good its sortuv between you see.ok all YOU gotta do is have a IQ higher than the room temperture and some other things if i say r needed.

    Before reading this article, it would be a very good idea to get a

    book on photo offset printing, for this is the method used in

    counterfeiting US currency. If you are familiar with this method

    of printing, counterfeiting should be a simple task for you.

    Genuine currency is made by a process called "gravure", which

    involves etching a metal block. Since etching a metal block is

    impossible to do by hand, photo offset printing comes into the


    Photo offset printing starts by making negatives of the currency

    with a camera, and putting the negatives on a piece of masking

    material (usually orange in color). The stripped negatives,

    commonly called "flats", are then exposed to a lithographic plate

    with an arc light plate maker. The burned plates are then

    developed with the proper developing chemical. One at a time,

    these plates are wrapped around the plate cylinder of the press.

    The press to use should be an 11 by 14 offset, such as the AB d**k

    360. Make 2 negatives of the portrait side of the bill, and 1 of

    the back side. After developing them and letting them dry, take

    them to a light table. Using opaque on one of the portrait sides,

    touch out all the green, which is the seal and the serial numbers.

    The back side does not require any retouching, because it is all

    one color. Now, make sure all of the negatives are registered

    (lined up correctly) on the flats. By the way, every time you

    need another serial number, shoot 1 negative of the portrait side,

    cut out the serial number, and remove the old serial number from

    the flat replacing it with the new one.

    Now you have all 3 flats, and each represents a different color:

    black, and 2 shades of green (the two shades of green are created

    by mixing inks). Now you are ready to burn the plates. Take a

    lithographic plate and etch three marks on it. These marks must

    be 2 and 9/16 inches apart, starting on one of the short edges.

    Do the same thing to 2 more plates. Then, take 1 of the flats and

    place it on the plate, exactly lining the short edge up with the

    edge of the plate. Burn it, move it up to the next mark, and

    cover up the exposed area you have already burned. Burn that, and

    do the same thing 2 more times, moving the flat up one more mark.

    Do the same process with the other 2 flats (each on a separate

    plate). Develop all three plates. You should now have 4 images

    on each plate with an equal space between each bill.

    The paper you will need will not match exactly, but it will do for

    most situations. The paper to use should have a 25% rag content.

    By the way, Disaperf computer paper (invisible perforation) does

    the job well. Take the paper and load it into the press. Be sure

    to set the air, buckle, and paper thickness right. Start with the

    black plate (the plate without the serial numbers). Wrap it

    around the cylinder and load black ink in. Make sure you run more

    than you need because there will be a lot of rejects. Then, while

    that is printing, mix the inks for the serial numbers and the back

    side. You will need to add some white and maybe yellow to the

    serial number ink. You also need to add black to the back side.

    Experiment until you get it right. Now, clean the press and print

    the other side. You will now have a bill with no green seal or

    serial numbers. Print a few with one serial number, make another

    and repeat. Keep doing this until you have as many different

    numbers as you want. Then cut the bills to the exact size with a

    paper cutter. You should have printed a large amount of money by

    now, but there is still one problem; the paper is pure white. To

    dye it, mix the following in a pan: 2 cups of hot water, 4 tea

    bags, and about 16 to 20 drops of green food coloring (experiment

    with this). Dip one of the bills in and compare it to a genuine

    US bill. Make the necessary adjustments, and dye all the bills.

    Also, it is a good idea to make them look used. For example,

    wrinkle them, rub coffee grinds on them, etc.

    As before mentioned, unless you are familiar with photo offset

    printing, most of the information in this article will be fairly

    hard to understand. Along with getting a book on photo offset

    printing, try to see the movie "To Live and Die in LA". It is

    about a counterfeiter, and the producer does a pretty good job of

    showing how to counterfeit. A good book on the subject is "The

    Poor Man's James Bond".

    If all of this seems too complicated to you, there is one other

    method available for counterfeiting: The Canon color laser

    copier. The Canon can replicate ANYTHING in vibrant color,

    including US currency. But, once again, the main problem in

    counterfeiting is the paper used. So, experiment, and good luck!
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