
How to become wwe wrestler? Only serious answers please,?

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  1. you have to get into a wrestling school and train then you have to start out in little independent organizations like roh and become known

  2. :] You do the hokey pokey, then you jump up and down three times, and sing the abc's and drink magical wwe wrestler potion. :D

    ahhaa. I don't know.

    Good luck.

  3. Get yourself into shape, Eat right (Get a suitable diet for yourself and eat a lot but only healthy stuff)

    check this out

    I don't think that's the developmental place for beginning talent in the WWE but it will get you experiance and see if wrestling is for you by taking their beginners class then check this out

    That last link is the official developmental place for anyone that could be in the WWE.

  4. I have been looking into this for myself and have found that one of the best ways is first to get in top physical shape, alot of cardio, then tryout for Harley Races school in Eldon, MO.

  5. Go to a Wrestling School.

    I heard WWE has one.

  6. Well, the first thing you need to realize is that you cant just start at the WWE or one of their development camps. Your best bet is to go to a smaller indy school to learn the ropes and not spend a fortune just to find out its not for you. Dedication through indy school is key! You have to work out until you cant lift your arms....then work out some more. You have to go over the science of each move and how to properly sell it. Look online for smaller schools in your area. After you excell at an indy school, then set your eyes higher and look for some of the WWE recognized schools, like  Shawn Michaels school in Texas or Bruiser Brodys school in Mass.  If you can dedicatedly follow this path, I think you would have no problem making it. Above all..never give up or quit. Good luck.

  7. be an outstanding performer in nfl or have fantastic wrestling skills in your college years or train at a wrestling school until someone thinks that ur worth it

  8. Star working out get into wrestling shape. Sign up for a wrestling training school once the school is compelte work the independent wrestling scence for a few years.

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