
How to begin career of eng.>russian/ukrainian translator?

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I'm translator (eng => ukrainian), I've just graduated from University in Ukraine. And now I am confused so much because all local and regional translation agencies need experienced translators (>3-5 years of practical experience).I need practice in law of contracts translation as far as I like this theme. I don't know what to do. In my city I can work only as a secretary or English teacher. But i want to be translator! Where can I find work for Translator-BEGINner? Help me ! I need your advice.




  1. Believe it or not, one of the best places you can break into translating in Ukraine, is as a teacher.

    English teachers are often offered jobs translating documents. It's a great place to keep your English skill sharp, and to pick up small translating documents through your director.

    Once you develop some experience, agencies will start to "try you out". You likely will not get beginner experience in contracts, as they are important legal documents and mistakes cannot be tolerated.

    There are other ways you can get translating work experience, but you likely will not make much at first. You need to dig deep, and do translations for sub-standard prices on your own for a while. Or, you can do some of the more "unsavory" work that is available to translators and interpreters in Ukraine.

  2. learn russian

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