
How to behave in China?

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Hi, Chinese people out there. As we know, mores and conventions are different from country to country. I'm going to Xian and Beijing next month. Please tell me what NOT to do, and what TO do in China regarding behaviour. (OK, some tourist tips also welcomed..)

People have told me that in China they belch during the meals. Is this OK (can I for once just feel free and not blush, ha ha) and is it a way of appreciating the food, or is it done by unpolite people there, too?

All advice is welcome, but only serious answers, please!




  1. Just be normal. i guess they don't really mind what u do. u can belch, slurp and dig your nose and spit and they won't mind...haha..

    but seriously just be normal. I heard their people like to spit on the streets.

      Just be polite and you'll be ok. and learn some chinese, they'll love you for it. and u might get better service..

  2. It's done by rude people there, as it is here.

  3. I'm not Chinese but I've been to China. To be honest, you'll be fine if you do the normal thing and respect your hosts as fellow human beings. That's all you have to do.

    One tip is to have the name and address of the place you are staying written on a bit of paper in case you get lost.

  4. Never CURSE  them,they are superstitious- Do not look  down  on them and think  you are superior-Learn a few phrases  like how are you? please,  Thank you in the language and use it , they will love you for it-Treat them with respect , respect their way of life ,even when  you feel its silly , keep your remarks to yourself you are in their country-

    People of Beijing are nice, I liked them!

    Its only the poor ,who belch. Belching is appreciated in the middle east

    try to use chopsticks]If you go on the net you will find a load of sites that tell you about what to do & not to do in China

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