
How to behave whn be atacked by a women?

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How to behave whn be atacked by a women?




  1. Just cover your junk and wait it out.

  2. as best as you possibly can ?

  3. it depends on what exactly do you mean by "attacked"???

  4.   In 99 % of the cases you can get away. That's what I would suggest.

    If this is someone you are with. There is always another time to deal with whatever happened to escalate it to that level.

    Don't stick around to assume your anger won't kick in. All it takes is one moment of you losing your composure.

      Just leave the situation !!!!  Deal with it later.

    If this is someone you don't know. 911. Press charges. Women shouldn't be aloud to to do hands on any more than men !!!

  5. Why would you be attacked my a woman?

  6. Give in!  Tell her she's right, you're wrong, you're sorry, you don't know what came over you and will she please forgive you!?  It's the only way of resolving a fight with a woman.

  7. If she's attacking you with her hands or fists then use only defensive means but try and get away.  Report it to the police and as said before, press charges.  If she has a weapon and you can get away then get away and call the police, if you cannot escape then defend yourself.  And take what's coming when the police arrest you.  Better to be alive in a police station than lying on a slab in the morgue.

  8. be good

  9. I'm thinking you mean physically attacked. I'm sorry, I'm knocking her *** out!!

    I'm still traumatized after being jumped by 3 high school sisters when I was younger. They beat the h**l out of me, in front of all my friends. (who did nothing)   :(

  10. You'd need to estimate her Feminist quotient.

    Feminists demand equality and expect supremacy.  Give as good as you get.

    Non-feminists have to be handled more chivalrously, but likewise their attacks will probably be more circumspect.  Best thing is to pity them and move on.  If it a serious attack (one of the favourites is an informal blacklisting at work; another is total freezing out of the man anywhere there are children) then you might need to call in some allies - this woman will almost certainly have backing herself.

  11. If your a man, and its a serious like physical attack, press assult charges, if your a woman, id say fight back or do the same, press charges.

  12. Your best bet is to walk away! Make sure you don't lay your hands on her in any way that make come out as physical or aggressive as it may come out to be more harmful then you had hoped it to be.. If she pursues a fight then try reasoning with her. If that does not work then try threatening to call the police!

    Good luck!

  13. Walk away and be a man. If it is continual abuse, call the police and press charges.

  14. attack back, smash the bish good!!!

    Like Ron Burgundy said: I'm gonna punch you in the ovary, that's what I'm gonna do. A straight shot. Right to the babymaker.

  15. You show her the back of your hand, and you'll be as satisfied as this man.

  16. Limit your response to a purely defensive one, then when she tires drop her like a hot skillet with a left upper cut and a right hook followed by a knee to the forehead as she collapses. Works like a charm.

  17. be a man and face it

  18. If you mean physically then it's important to say that, even though the emphasis on preventing violence is aimed at men, it is equally unacceptable for women to use violence. However, because men are generally physically stronger than women, you shouldn't retaliate with violence. Just try to defend yourself or get away from her as quickly as possible.

  19. try to avoid her hits... but never hit her back...however mean she would be,never hit a woman...that will really prove how of a scum u are if u will fight back

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