
How to best regrow grass?

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My lawn has died out in MANY MANY spots where it has gone brown, or alternatively, has gone brown and now the brown is gone with just dirt left in its place. However, there are spots where it is perfectly green. I have dogs that casually walk through the grass to do their business, but they do not spend excessive amounts of time on the grass or dig it up. Birds do come and peck through the grass though, looking for bugs or wild seeds. What would be the best way to restore the grass across the whole yard without tearing up the whole yard and putting in new soil and the like?

I was thinking of buying a bag of seed and poking holes in the lawn or aerating the lawn to get them in the soil, then watering frequently every morning. Is this a bad idea? Anyone have proper ideas?




  1. You must aerate. W/o it the seed will sprout and not develp roots deep enough and die do to a multiple of reasons.

    Fescue grass should be done around mid Sept - no later than Halloween. Grnd is warn , air is cool - perfect for proper growth. Will settle in and become sturdy overwinter with a good root structure ready for the summer heat next year.

    Bermuda is very hard from seed but should be done now - I suggest sod , but expensive.

    St Augustine is best " plugged in " now from sod scraps cut up and placed in holes anout evey random 6 incehes . Will spread and fill in quick

    Research what type of grass will grow in your area as all have different ways to establish.

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