
How to bet on Irish Greyhound tote?

by Guest21218  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I shall be placing my first Irish Greyhound bet, I was advised to place to place this bet on Irish Greyhound tote. Can you help me know, how to bet on Irish Greyhound tote?




  1. he "Tote" is short for Totalisator. The Tote operates a system to offer pool betting on race tracks.

    It works like this: all stakes on a race are pooled, a deduction in made to cover costs. The remainder of the pool is divided by the number of winning units to give a dividend which is declared inclusive of a €1 stake. In other words, pool customers bet into a common pool, betting against one another, in contrast to bookmaking where they bet against the bookmaker.

    Tote dividends are not linked to the prices declared by bookmakers. The odds fluctuate according to the pattern of betting and the amount of money placed on each dog. Betting ceases at the sound of the hare bell. There is no tax on racecourse bets.

    The Tote is operated by the Irish Greyhound Board.

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