
How to bet on greyhound racing at Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I plan to bet on greyhound racing at Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut. This casino is famous for greyhound racing betting, can you help me know, what are the ways to bet on greyhound racing at Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut?




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    The quickest way into the Racebook is to park in the Indian Summer parking garage and take the elevator to the ground floor of the Indian Summer entrance. The Bus Lobby is right there with the Racebook close by as you walk into the Casino of the Sky; the Racebook is there on the right. The Racebook has up to 10 teller windows operating on busy days, with rows of smoking and non-smoking seats that have television monitors so you can view the action.

    The Mohegan Sun Racebook offers greyhound wagering from Derby Lane, Palm Beach Kennel Club, and Flagler in Florida. Twin River in Rhode Island, Bluff's Run in Iowa, and dog racing from Phoenix in Arizona are also available for your wagering enjoyment. You can purchase programs at the Racebook as you walk in for $1.50 each or you can print your own off the Internet by accessing each track's website. Palm Beach offers a matinee every day and evening racing on Friday and Saturday, while Derby Lane runs every night except for Sunday. Phoenix runs at night as well due to the extreme heat in the desert, while Twin River runs double-headers on Friday and Saturday with matinees on Monday and Wednesday. Flagler runs only matinees and Bluff's Run begins at about 5:00 EST.

    Know which track you are betting on when you go to the windows. The mutuel tellers punch tickets on machines that offer as many as 20 venues at once. They cannot read your mind when you tell them you want 10 dollars on the three to win. Before you say anything to them, state the dog track that you are betting at. Palm Beach Kennel Club is usually on the giant monitor over the teller's windows, to the far right. Derby Lane is also frequently featured on that same screen. You can watch your odds as you walk down to the windows for those venues.

    If you are making a certain wager at the Mohegan Sun Racebook, make sure that the dog race you are betting on offers that wager. For instance, a common mistake gamblers make is to handicap a race to bet a trifecta when the race does not offer that bet. Many tracks have exotics such as a Twin-Trifecta and a Tri-Super; in those races trifecta wagering is not allowed. You do not want to go the windows and hold up other players as you scramble to come up with another wager.

    Tip those tellers. These people depend on your generosity to make a living as their base wages are not much. If you buy a winning ticket from a teller, try to cash it with that teller and leave a tip. A good rule of thumb is to leave the change on small winnings and a dollar or two on tickets that pay up to $50. Anything over $50 it is recommendable to leave a bit more. For example, on a ticket worth $127 you should leave $5 as a tip. It will be appreciated and remembered when you are up against a posttime some day and need that teller to punch the right ticket.

    Avoid the Mohegan Sun Racebook on Saturday afternoons. It's a madhouse on that day with all the seating quickly taken. If you must go to play the dogs on Saturday matinees, call ahead a couple of days beforehand and try to reserve a booth for you and your party. The Mohegan Sun Racebooks clears out pretty well towards evening on Saturdays, making it a much better time to try your luck on the dogs.

    Read more: How to Bet Greyhounds Racing at Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut |

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