
How to block someone on yahoo 360?

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Is there anyway I can block someone on yahoo 360? There's this person that keeps adding me even after I ignore & delete that person's invitations. How can I block this person? I don't want my page visible to this person, and I don't want this person to add me. What should I do?





  1. There is no way to completely block someone from viewing your 360 space, as there are certain aspects that are always available for public VIEWING — your nickname, your profile pics (with some miscellaneous link functions under that), friends module, your Top Page comments (unless you delete all of them), and your background. If that's not going to work for you, then you should move on to using another service.

    Also, people can't be added to your friends list, unless you accept an invitation or they accept an invitation from you. So, this person is not on your friend's list, but they may have added you as a "Favorite" by just the act of sending you an invitation. See for more information about Favorites. This only means that they have sort of "bookmarked" your 360 to be able to return to it.

    So, you can take the following steps:

    1) Ignore the person (see for how to use that feature).

    If ignoring doesn't seem to work, meaning that the messages are somehow getting through, then you can reset permissions for your Communications Settings as well. See the next step.

    2) Ignoring someone doesn't stop them from commenting on the page or viewing other areas (besides the always public areas). However, this is why you have permissions to stop such action.

    If you want someone to not be able to comment and they are not connected to you, then you will have to change your Top Page and Blog comments from "Public" permissions to "Friends" permissions.


    - In your "My Page," click on the "Settings" link for the comment module (in lower left corner of the page).

    - In the "Allow comments by:" drop down, set it to "Just Me (Private)."

    - Uncheck the "enable quick comments box" as well. NOTE: Unchecking this prevents everyone from commenting. Checking it allows everyone to comment. There's no separating into categories here.

    - Click the "Save" button.


    Click "Edit Blog Settings" link on your "My Blog" page. Change the permission for "Who can post comments to your blog" and "Who can view your blog" to Friends. Click the "Save" button.

    You can do the same permission changes for other areas of your 360 space (again, besides the always public areas that I mentioned above). See for more information on permissions.

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