
How to book a gift order online to deliver in Lima, peru?

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Hi all...

I am living in Japan right now and i want to book a gift order for my friend living in Lima, Peru only through online. If you know, any online site addresses, please share with me. Only English sites please, as i cannot understand Spanish....i am sorry.

Thanks in advance,





  1. Online shopping has not yet caught on in Peru.  Because so few of the population have credit cards, and because of popular concern for the reliability of delivery services, people do their shopping in person.

    Peru is very strict on receipt of goods received from overseas.  If something is shipped from an online store such as amazon, they will list the value in a customs declaration and the recipient will have to pay a significant tax to pick it up.  

    To avoid this, you must send the item yourself, and on the customs declarations form, list it as a gift with a value less than $30.  If the package is small and less than 1.5 kg, they might deliver it without opening it and demanding a customs payment.  Otherwise, the recipient will be forced to pay highly to receive it.

    It is never a good idea to send anything expensive to Peru anyhow as there is always a chance that it will get stolen by the mail service.  It's infrequent, but it does happen.

  2. you can deliver a book through Fedex and UPS, they deliver all throughout Lima. You can buy the book on Amazon and then send it through fedex

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