
How to boost my car sales?

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I have recently started a new job selling cars. I am wondering if someone could give me some ideas on how to boost car sales.




  1. xx_satan has a good answer, I also like to ask them obvious yes questions, for example if someone drives in in an expedition and they are looking at an escape dont just tell them they will get better gas milage, tell them the escape will get 26 mpg and you want better gas milage right? or this car has 6 airbags which will keep your kids safe in a crash, you want that right? get them to say yes when they are talking about the car.

    Also before you go inside and talk about numbers or have them talk to a manager you have to ask them if the car they are looking at is a car they will buy. Usually customer will say something like well if the price is right or if my wife likes it, then just say ok so if we get you the right number or if your wife likes it then you will buy the car?

    Also give them a reason to buy from your dealership not just reasons to by the car, something like your close to home, or you will get free inspections etc etc, its not as bad as it used to be but most people still go to more than one dealership when looking for a car, so make sure than have a reason to buy from you.

  2. stay away from the other salepeople. Most of them will keep you down by sharing their misery. Stay away and stay positive. Give everybody your business card. Make sure they know you appreciate the opportunity to earn their business.

    Follow up .. write  a small hand written note thanking them for coming ina nd if they have any questions to call . Try and leave them a message at home when they leave the dealer again thanking them.

    get past there derfense mechanisms..just  looking  not ready ..  etc.. tell  them great. You mind if i share some information w/ you walk w/ them and chat leisurley and stay relaxed .

    Their is no such thing as an up or down market. You determine that with your attitude

  3. Good product knowledge will help a ton!  If you sound like you know the car you are trying to sell people will have confidence in you.  However, since you are new it is going to be tough getting the "ups" (potential customers) in the beginning because you are low man on the totem pole.  Just read the manuals and know what you are selling, be aggressive but watch out that you don't mess with another guy's ups because that will make you unpopular with the rest of the sales team, and show up to work every day.

    It's tough times for car dealers right now, so don't expect mega sales.  Sorry. . .

  4. Volumes.

    I have been at this a long time - as many here know.  I started out on the line taking one up at a time, and have held just about every position in a dealership.

    The best thing you can do is ask questions.  Don't just ask them for the sake of killing time.  But ask questions that help you understand your customers' wants and needs.  Pay careful attention to the responses you get - take notes on a small pad if you have to.  I tell customers that I am going to keep some notes to make sure I am getting the important facts, and they appreciate that.  Showing a genuine interest in fulfilling their request will take you a long way.

    Ask about the size of the family; who is the main driver; what features are most important; what they absolutely cannot live without; what they want to avoid; on and on.  The list of facts you can gather is almost endless.

    Once you have a clear picture of what they want and need, THEN you can show them a car, drive, close.  But skipping those qualifying questions will only frustrate your customer and you when you are showing a Miata to a family of 6.  

    Ask ask ask - then listen.  They will tell you what to sell them if you just do that.

    Good luck

  5. It's not an easy question to answer. One of the main things I will share with you is one of the main keys. Stay by the phone. If sales calls ring to a certain phone, stay by it, if the receptionist pages when a sales call comes in, get ready to jump on it. And I mean ready! The closing ratio nearly triples when you set an appointment over the phone. And don't give them too much info on the phone. When you first pick it up, get the car their interested in, the name and number and tell them that you want to make sure the vehicle is still there and you'll call them back, when you call back, just share the great news with them about the car being available and ask them to come down today or tomorrow. Other than that, watch the lot. Don't hesitate to go out and great people. It's not easy but it will become easier with time. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT. stay away from fellow employees that will tell you how horrible the business is, how horrible the economy is, how horrible life is... those ones will drag you down with them.. Be excited! You're in a career where you can make 6 figures when you really want to work. And no, it's not a joke... hard work but when you get good at it, well, it's rewarding...

  6. Always be closing!

    K Start making lots of telephone calls

    everybody you know  family friends business etc    Come up with cheap give aways    Maybe gift certificate  for gas tune-up etc    try and do trade outs   with mechanics   u help him  by refrels   network your-*** off

    soon  youll be shown cars more and more

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