
How to boost my sire testosterone level?

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I have a sire and a ***** both American Pitt Bull Terriers my female is in here 2nd heat cycle and ready and willing to be breed and my male has know interest in her, he'll l**k it but that's all.

How can I help in anyway?On her first cycle he wouldn't leave her be, we had to keep are ***** locked up, so know accidents happened.

Would it matter cause they have grown up with each other?

Please all suggestions are welcome!!!!!




  1. Why do you want to be a producer of sub-standard puppies, are you so desperate for money???

  2. Why don't you just spay and neuter your dogs? It's THAT SIMPLE.

  3. I'd say maybe he's g*y

  4. OK here's a suggestion, Spay and Neuter your dogs.Why breed a dog that already has a bad reputation?You aren't a reputable breeder (obviously) so therefor you have no reason to breed anyway

  5. Opinion:  You shouldn't try to at all.  Shelters are full, FULL of pits and pit crosses. Purebred pups too.  Not enough people are out there who want them.  Bringing more into existence is pointless.  It does nothing for the quality of life of the parents, the new pups, or the dogs being leashed and taken in to be euthanized.  

    A lot of those dogs would make amazing pets.  You can't be so selfish to think that your APBT deserves to have s*x, where the others don't even deserve to live.  Think about it.

  6. Visit your local animal shelter and see just how many pure bred dogs are there. Please don't breed or buy while shelter animals die.  have your dogs fixed,  please don't contribute to our countries pet overpopulation crisis !!!  

  7. .... so you a breeding a female who is less than two years old, untested possibly unregistered with a male who is probably in the same state and unproven as far as fertility?

    And you know nothing about breeding?


    Get your animals fixed.

  8. You've got to be looking for trouble with this absurd question.

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