
How to break a board in half in karate?

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i took karate years ago and knew that in order to pass the belt exam things, we had to break a board in half. but i forgot how.

how do you break it in half again? i know it wasn't just smack it, there was like some stupid thing where you had to hit it somewhere and some goofy pose before it.




  1. <---This is Sensei Bob Jackson's instructional video watch and learn!!!

  2. first of all it depends iif your breaking with your arm or hand...most likely its your hand.

    if its one board its really all in speed and to him it right in the center of the board and to follow through...or as my master says, pretend that the board is just something that is between you and the target that you really want to strike...

  3. just hit through it...going with the grain of the wood rather than against it.

    most of the time its just a 1 inch thick pine board, and is easy to break. i've seen little kids do it.

    you have people holding the boards on the corners, so you have some resistance already..and its even easier to break it.

    the stance varies with what strike you're using.

  4. Well, first you have to get in your specific martial art's pose it differentiates in different martial arts. Then try to kick with the right amount of strength at the middle of the board. I was a red belt in Tang Soo Do

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