
How to break the swaddling habit?

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I asked this earlier today but only got three answers so I was hoping I could get a few more....

Noah is 4 months, almost 4 and a half, and is still being swaddled at night for sleep. He hasn't lost his startle reflex and if he gets an arm out then he wakes himself up. We have been trying to break this habit by swaddling him loosely and even swaddling with just an arm out to "ease" him into it. The same thing always happens. Last night we just put him down without being swaddled at all and he only slept for 30 minutes before starting to cry.

I know with this process there are going to be some sleepless nights but does anyone have any suggestions? I'm just not sure how long it's okay to let your baby be swaddled for as I've read that now is an important time for their growing and swaddling constricts that process. We're going to try again this weekend so it won't interfere with my husband working.

A couple of the ladies said it was something he would grow out of on his own. If this is the case when did your baby "grow out" of wanting to be swaddled?




  1. He is 4 months already???? Oh my god, I remember seeing you with your belly pics when you were like 36 weeks. What I did with my son was put him in those gowns so they feel snug, but are not technically swaddled. Eventually he just didn't care what was around him, he would sleep no matter what.

  2. I swaddled my 3.5 year old until she was a year old. Its just what she wanted and the best way to get her to sleep. But once she was into a deep sleep I would un tuck the swaddle so she was loose.  

  3. With my oldest I swaddled till he could hold his own bottle for bed.  Oh and is you use a swaddler it will not come lose as easy so he may sleep better till then  

  4. I struggled with this myself, and when they were that age I was just swaddling their arms to protect the normal growth of their hips and legs.  That really helped things out a lot!

    I tried many times to break the habit but I had friends telling me not to worry about it, they will grow out of it on their own when they were ready... etc.

    I listened to them because I couldn't allow my babies to cry-it-out, especially younger than 6 months old.

    One of my twins grew out of it at 6 months, the other at 7 months.

    They just wanted to be able to be free and they lost the need for it then.

    Be patient!  It will come when it's time.  Take care!

  5. My daughter, who is now 3, LOVED to be swaddled and that's the only way she would sleep.  She stopped 'needing' to be swaddled at around 12 weeks.  

  6. He will break it on his own.  If it comforts him, why would you want to mess with it.

    My oldest daughter stopped wanting to be swaddled around 5 months or so.

    My youngest was around 7 months when it stopped being a comfort to her.

  7. I'm not sure where you heard that swaddling constricts their growth...that isn't true!  I work with infants and we've swaddled some of them up to a year, just depends on the baby.  I swaddle my daughter as well and plan on doing it as long as she needs it - she is 6 months and still needs it.  She can sleep without it if she falls asleep in the car seat, swing, or in my arms, but usually we swaddle her, lay her down, and she goes to sleep.  I believe that swaddled babies just sleep better.  If your baby still needs it, go for it; if you see that he isn't needing it anymore you could try without it, but it won't hurt anything to keep doing it.

  8. My daughter was swaddled up until 6 months.  To get her used to sleeping without it I just started by swaddling her with her legs out, then gradually one arm out, then finally the second arm out with just her belly swaddled a bit.  She just got used to having all her limbs free and didn't want to be swaddled at all in time.  I wouldn't worry about it if I were you, she'll eventually grow out of it even if you don't help her along!

  9. I'd continue to do it. He'll let you know when he's decided he doesn't want to be swaddled anymore.  

  10. We stopped swaddling our little guy at one month of age. The reason we had to do this is because he is extremely hot natured and gets PISSED when he is too hot. I mean I'm talking he screams at the top of his lungs if he is in his carseat for more then 30 minutes with just a onesie on in 80 degree weather . He was waking up during the night  with his 'I'm too hot' cry (mind your our thermostat is set at 68,lol) and his sleepers were drenched with sweat... so we just stuck with keeping him in a sleeper when we put him down for bed. I know what you mean about the startle reflex, Alek's is terrible also. Have you tried putting Noah to sleep on his belly? I think I remember reading somewhere that you had posted he is able to roll over on his own. Alek has to sleep on his belly because of reflux, and I've noticed that he is MUCH more comfortable sleeping this way. It might be worth a try :)

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