
How to breed medicinal leeches indoor?

by  |  earlier

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Medicinal leeches are commercially bred in ponds that simulate the natural habitat. The other alternative is to breed them indoor under controlled environments, similar to fish breeding. The objective is to accelerate the growth period or produce better breed or both.




  1. This was interesting.  There were a lot of scientific articles online for a price, but this guy will answer all your questions for free:

    Interestingly, these leeches can live up to ten years, but if they are used medically, they can be used only one time and then must be killed--guess it is the same principle as disposable syringes.

  2. FIRSTLY you would need to buy guaranteed disease free(particularly zoonotic & human pathagens) to make leechers safe to use.

        2nd the place you buy /order from should be able to advise what sort of food needed ie smallfish , mice etc.

       3rd i would treat their ponds/tanks cleanness, water replacement as befitting  that needed for young sensitive tropical fish IE -water heater,filter, airstone / pump eta. Also make sure tank is escape proof as your children or pets could get bitten & blead.

       4th local hostable or alternative medical centre should be able to recamend a supplier. Also try google leech breeders or simerlar search.---- I hope this helps and MERRY CHRISTMAS.

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