
How to bring English estate agents in spain to justice.?

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english estate agents in spain have ruined a lot of peoples lives by defrauding other english people of their deposits and their lives, and properties and the spanish law and lawyers are sitting back and not doing anything but helping these rogues keep what they have stolen. every month or so the spaniish Government brag about how much revenue they have coming into spain, this is why the lawyers and their courts, sit on their laurels and do nothing to help the people who have been robbed. it is about time Britain started to push the european parliament pushed for all european courts to clean their acts up. they should help the innocent victims more instead of bragging how much their countries revenues are.

if there is anyone reading this that it has happened to then please contac me, let us all join together and fight these criminals. contact e-mail

come on guys lets fight instead of moping, lets go for their jugglers, let us be heard.




  1. I live in Spain (ex pat from the U.K.)  We purchased a building plot and had a villa built.  We were lucky.  We engaged a Spanish solicitor (who speaks English) and who came recommended.  We also signed up with an estate agent who comes under the umbrella of the API. (API is the most recognised real estate regulation body in Spain. The letters API stand for "Agentes de la Propiedad Inmobiliaria", or "Real Estate Agents" in English. Agents who carry the API stamp have received official training and a credential that is backed by Spain's "Ministerio de Fomento". Their fees are strictly controlled and an official college monitors their behaviour. Misconduct by an API agent can result in fines and a revoked license.)  It is very important that anyone who even considers purchasing a property in Spain only deals with API approved agents.  I am sorry for anyone who has been 'ripped off' and I agree with you that you should try to claim back any monies.  You will have a hard task, but I wish you all the luck in the world.

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