
How to bring back the friendship?

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I have a friend and we had an agreement to become s*x partner.. We both agreed that theres no commitment or any emotional attachement.. I have this feeling that i'm starting to love him, and i can't express it, co'z i'm afraid that he might avoid me and will not goin to see me anymore.. So i decide to write a blog about my feelings and he accidentally read it!! My fear came to reality, i felt that he became cold to me and not chatting to me anymore, i dont know what to do to bring back the friendship we had before.. I need some advice..




  1. okay well even though it may be hard  you need to first talk to him express how you feel then tell him that yall cant be partners, friends, or what ever it may be any more... because NO one is ever worth the stress that you have to go through so try to move on and let your next love come to you.. and like i said it may not be easy.. and it may even take time to get over but just remember sombody better will come along who actually cherishes your love!  

  2. i was in similar spot but uhm if he doesnt come back to you or call you or even acknowledge you, there is nothing you cna do. u dont want too nor cant make someone want to be friends with you. i go by experience only though.

    if he doesnt leave you he is a good man and cares about you.

    good luck

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