
How to bring this up against the school board...?

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Ok, first background:

Long story short, I am switching to homeschool to finish school before Dec. and am trying to take a class at the public school to count as a credit...


The school board is saying I can not do that, but are allowing other students to take homeschool language class(latin), to count as a credit... Now they have told me several times that even this can not be done... How do I go about demanding they let me take the class?

Bit of information:

Ive talked to several people, all counties around us allow this... also someone was saying that since my parents pay taxes that they should have to let me take it... any clue where they got this?




  1. The previous answer is from  Florida.  I live in NC

    The law here is the same as she described.   The public school is totally separate from homeschool.      We would not be able to get a credit from them just as I would not be allowed to give one of their students a credit for taking a class with us.

  2. i live in Florida,  but i think your confusing things here, if your home-schooled then what do credits have to do with anything,   Your program is established by your parents and you dont get * traditional* credits, and you dont get a traditional diploma,    

    now that said, my daughter took band,  yes, and they could take journalism,  and art,   and she was on the dance team and got * credit* for that, but credit for what?   They issued grades but never sent them to me,  because they were not important to the scheme of things,   The credits they offered did not determine her ability to get a Home-school diploma, i as the principle determined that,  she went to college,  without even one** credit** from a real school, so i am confused about what your saying

    and the taxes have nothing to do with it, since the schools get paid for full time students, if they let you take a class they are doing it for free,  they dont get paid for you to be in the classroom, that is why they object,  and you wont get what you want by fighting with them,  you have to find the common ground, and get the home-school group in your area to help you , to advise your parents,  

    this is their job, as your principal,  your adviser, and your parents,  

    good luck

  3. Contact HSLDA at  If they are obligated by law to allow you to participate and are refusing, HSLDA will help.

    Not all states/districts allow homeschoolers to participate in school activities, whether it is academics or extra curricular.  Just because we are tax payers does not make them obligated-everyone pays taxes, whether they have a child or not, whether their children are school age or grown-it does not matter.  We might not think it is fair, but that is how it is.

    Contact other homeschoolers in your area and ask if it is possible, how they did it (what process, who they talked to, etc).  

    If you are a homeschooler, you do not need a class from public school for credit.  You can find an alternative at your local community college or some other private source.  If you do the college class, you will get dual credit for high school and college.

    I hope this helps, and wish you luck!

    EDITED TO ADD: If you want to approach the board yourself, go with a copy of the law that allows homeschoolers to participate in these activities and tell them that they are interfering with your legal right.

  4. the 1st answer is correct, they will help you in every way they can.

    Teh reason the schoolboard si refuseing to help you, is because they getstate taxes for every student in tehre school, they lose a student,they lose $$. Thats there problem, not yours.

    I had the same situation in our end here when we started homeschooling my son.

    When I showed them my rights through HSLA, guess what, they shutup real fast, & realized they were barking up the wrong tree.

    They havnt bothered me for 3 years & its been peaceful too.

    My son will never be back in a public, or private school again. Unless we move to another area. But since were here its hoemschooling all the way.

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