
How to bring this up to a friend?

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I have a friend that has upset me recently. I have a 5 year old son whom I want to have enrolled in a private school located in the Southern US...I am located in Ontario, family out there is paying for it and thats where he will be staying. My friend doesn't think that is right. Also my friend has told me that she cannot do anything when her husband is home...and not to call when he is home...yet I found out that her other friend can call when he is home and can call her to go out for a coffee with her. The only time I see this friend is when I walk her home from work..we rarely do anything outside her house...and never when her husbands can I approach her...I don;t know if I should be pissed, upset, angry...I don;t know. But I cannot lose this friendship over this.




  1. In my opinion the question is, Is this person really a friend? I don't think that you can really call this a friendship. I think that most times if you're friends with someone whose married you're usually friends with their spouse too. First, decide whether you really want to save this "friendship" or not because it doesn't sound like it's worth saving. If the answer is yes, then you should be able to talk to your friends about anything. So, go to her and let her know exactly how you are feeling. If she's a good friend, she'll understand. Hope this helps...

  2. maybe her husband doesn't like you to be around this friend..who knows what the circumstances might be..maybe he thinks you put ideas in her head, maybe you're too attractive..i don't know but you need to talk to both your friend and her husband just to set things straight.

  3. The choices you make regarding your child's education are your own decision about what you feel is best for him/her. I fail to understand why your friend's input should matter at all. It appears the husband is very controlling. But only where you are concerned. My guess is you don't have much of a friendship to lose under these circumstances.  

  4. I don't think you really have much of a friendship with her to begin with.  Think about this very have no real contact with her other than on the way home from work.  You don't really hang out with her, and she is against the plans you have for your child.   I'd be searching for other friends and leaving her behind in the dust.

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